Quick question: back in 3rd edition 40k when, strictly speaking, you needed to agree with your opponent to use special characters (like Calgar or Yarrick)... did any of you ever have someone not agree to you using one?
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My group never used them, as they felt so taboo. We used the models, just with the standard army list rules if you could pay for their weapons and make them wysiwyg. Like I had Ahriman as a regular Chaos Sorcerer Lord. But Calgar was impossible on account of his Gauntlets.
But I also had a Chaos Lord and Chosen Terminator retinue that was about 60% of my 1,000pts list and often died to mass lasgun fire...so I wasn't really playing to win 🤣
Kind of? We basically agreed as a group not to use special characters in “regular” games and only in big on off ones like the Global Campaigns, or a birthday or something. Nid player using Old One Eye was an exception, but I can’t recall why!
Ok I'll make an exception for Ghazghkul though. Like the Red Gobbo, I Reckon if you get a war boss ballsy enough to just say he's Ghazghkul then the boys will go along with it
Yes, in fact in the group I was playing in no one ever used special characters. I had a wolf lord that looked very similar to Ragnar with bolt pistol and frostblade but his name was very different.
My experiences in 3rd were far to fleeting and far too 'mostly playing against myself in my bedroom since the other people I knew stopped playing', to have useful data myself on this one lol
I didn’t play a lot of 3rd but hung out in stores and clubs where people played and I can’t remember ever seeing anyone use a special character. People took pride in creating their own characters, creating backstory and converting miniatures. Don’t see a lot of that anymore.
In-store or at tournies, people would get funny. It felt a lot of the time they were fun flavour additions only roughly balanced points wise, so people didn't want to bother with the cheese.
For my group of young players we mostly always said yes. If we weren't going to do special characters we would talk about it ahead of time. I think someone said no once because they were mad about losing to a character last time so they said no lol. It was only like that once and we were like 12.
No, but I played mostly World Eaters and aside from Kharn I didn't have a lot of options, and I converted Kharn into a generic warlord with twin lightning claws in Christmas colors called Kharny Klaws.
all the time at my school Warhammer club, it was often one person though. and he used one of the variant lists from the back of the vampire counts book, but refused to play special characters or other variant lists like the snotling list for the Orcs & Gobbos book or my nuln gun line list
I don't think so. We were weird teenagers and took any opportunity to get as much crazy shit on the table as possible. My friend still talks about that time he brought Abaddon with a 500-point Plague Marine retinue because they had ALL the equipment.
Not quiiite what you're looking for, but I recall convincing a friend to play against the then-new Catachans Codex with all the fancy, totally-not-biased-towards-the-deathworlders jungle fighting rules. It was such a horrible rout for them that I never asked permission to use a character/rule again.
I disagreed once to someone bringing Calgar to a small friendly skirmish match.
The dude I was playing against with my little Guard force was a douche anyway. Luckily there were other people to play against.
The default was absolutely no special character use which was a damn shame because they bring a lot to narrative games especially.
I absolutely crowbarred them into shop mega games and the like whenever i could precisely because of that when i was working in a GW store towards edition end.
Perturabo is Soundwave, he's the only one who's good at his job.
But it was very common when playing at a store or a game night to have a "no special characters" rule.
But no one I faced had special characters either. I didn’t face many people though, to be completely fair.
Recent editions that really want special characters is similar to the Warmachine problem: it's removing (de-emphasizing) "your" stuff from the game.
The dude I was playing against with my little Guard force was a douche anyway. Luckily there were other people to play against.
I absolutely crowbarred them into shop mega games and the like whenever i could precisely because of that when i was working in a GW store towards edition end.