Israel just committed *the largest child massacre in its history*, according to Haaretz. Two hundred Palestinian children murdered in a single day, with direct support from the US and UK, and zero outrage from Western media. What stage of barbarism is this...
I do.
To react appropriately to the claim you’re making, I would like to understand what you’re putting forth to support it.
And if you wanted the hostages released, maybe you shouldn't have torpedoed the ceasefire deal that would have guaranteed it...
Then I realize it's you and not a nazi bastard and I feel bad.
new question: Which side has a founding charter saying to "reclaim our ancestral homeland"? Hamas or Israel?
can't afford to lean into that conflation even in a hypothetical
you don't want to end up standing next to peeps who don't like israel bc they're antisemitic
in this case especially the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy
Not anti-Semitism.Just facts.
#Gaza #Palestine
Please can you help me 😭😭😭😭
Please can you help me 😭😭😭🙏