Israel just committed *the largest child massacre in its history*, according to Haaretz. Two hundred Palestinian children murdered in a single day, with direct support from the US and UK, and zero outrage from Western media. What stage of barbarism is this...


We need to stop voting for genocide.
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Remember the Holocaust?
I do.
Heb je het gelezen Schoof? Komt er nog een stevige veroordeling?
The stage where liberalism reveals itself to be fraudulent.
When someone asks "What level of atrocity is this?" and the answer is "This is the Israeli level of atrocity." you know that hundreds of children were murdered in a single day.
a classic.. no jews no news.. & ISR has total control of the "west"...
Given the link you put below, what did you mean to communicate to somebody reading your post by the phrase “according to Ha’aretz”… specifically?

To react appropriately to the claim you’re making, I would like to understand what you’re putting forth to support it.
Every government and military person acting in support of this should be in prison for the rest of their lives.
mais c'est poutine, l'autre copain de trump, qui est le diable en personne
Oh god
We don’t believe the Hamas ministry of health. Release the hostages.
Why do pro-genocidaires such as you ask people on social media to "free the hostages"? Does turning your brain off and spewing slogans actually make you feel better?
Because if you understood the conflict then you would realize that the only reason why Gaza is still suffering is because of Hamas refusing to release the hostages. If you want Gaza to stop being bombed the hostages need to be released and Hamas has to surrender. It’s extremely simple.
That analysis is the result of the kind of brainwashing that makes statements like "you're forcing us to do this" make sense.
Hamas started this war.
Another slogan that doesn't stand up to historical scrutiny and elides the very idea of occupation.
It’s bizarre that anyone still thinks Bibi actually gives a shit about the hostages or ever did. I feel like he’s made that pretty obvious
how many hostages are in the west bank
It’s a defense mechanism
It isn’t about the so called hostages. They are simply the means for a social media campaign. Like anything else that’s wrong, bad, and intentionally dumb, I put it on mute.
Get 🔻ed dead-eyed zionazi
🥱 release the hostages please
Get fucked
You support rape and murder.
Oh the fucking irony 🤡
Up your a*** porker
the IDF is releasing the hostages from their bodies
When Israel releases the ~10k Palestinian hostages they've taken. And stop murdering children and women, for the sake of humanity and respect of international law, STOP.
Israel doesn’t have 10k hostages. They have prisoners and israel doesn’t have 10k anyways. And again release the hostages!
As per NYT: as of of March 2025, /more than 9,000/ Palestinians are believed to be held in Israeli prisons and detention facilities. Over 3,500 Palestinians are being held without formal charges under administrative detention. Many were detained in the occupied West Bank.
So more than 5000 are convicted terrorists. Their families know where they are. They are being taken care of. Not rotting away in tunnels. They aren’t hostages. The other 3500 are not hostages either. The only hostages are the remaining ones in Gaza. Release them.
Lying again. Keep your trap shut
Shut the fuck up
How about no
We're all out of "no", shut the fuck up
Free the hostages
Netanyahu doesn't care about them, he would sacrifice them in a heartbeat to kill more Palestinians
Stop the genocide
Stop the genocide and maybe they'll free hostages. Give Palestine the right to exist. Israel is not a democracy. U just like the mirror of Iran.
Block that, no need to write anything
Whose numbers are generally agreed by any neutral party to be underestimated.

And if you wanted the hostages released, maybe you shouldn't have torpedoed the ceasefire deal that would have guaranteed it...
I’m not a neutral party. Neutral parties fall for Hamas tricks. I don’t.
And therefore biased and pointless.
Do you know how difficult it is to find and id 200 bodies in one day? It’s fake. Hamas makes up numbers.
You are a congenital, genetic liar
You are a stupid, genocidal, nazi c**t. Return to your sewer
Go gargle sewage you stinking antisemitic burgerfucker.
Oh look! it's a genocidal maniac
The stage where its declared "removal of barbarians" because of how the media portrays the people being slaughtered. People, oblivious to the actual damage being done, drink and cheer to it
All theocracies suck.
Palestinian Exploitation of Children as Weapons of War
^Simple statement with no serious evidence written by a group funded by the Israeli government Report for lies.
Every time I see your name pop up I think "Oh fuck, that Jackson Hinckle freak made his way onto this platform? Time to end that!"

Then I realize it's you and not a nazi bastard and I feel bad.
And the Netherlands*
"According to Haaretz" would mean independently confirmed by Haaretz. This is an opinion piece and the author is citing the Gaza health ministry.
I see your point, the number 400 is used by other Israeli news outlets tho. Also, time and again the UN and other NGOs have confirmed the numbers coming from the Gaza health ministry to be reliable.
the Gaza Health Ministry has always been verified in past battles, and Israeli intelligence officials admit they rely on them to corroborate their own estimates

new question: Which side has a founding charter saying to "reclaim our ancestral homeland"? Hamas or Israel?
Great! So just say "according to the Gaza Health Ministry".
does it not occur to you that the gaza health ministry is the organization best poised to give us updates about the well being of gazans
So just report the correct source, especially if you find it the most trustworthy.
Haaretz were the ones who called it the “largest child massacre in history”, and so even if you want to be needlessly pedantic about this, that is the correct source to attribute the quote.
Let's strive to be clear in our communication. We wouldn't say "according to the NYT Syrian rebels were the ones that used chemical weapons".
But we would say that the NYT said “it is dangerous for any country, including America, to see themselves as exceptional”, because that is a thing the NYT said, not any source of theirs.
This genocide must be avenged.
It would be better if it was stopped.
Shattered 💔
If it takes place in the Global South, then to the west they don’t count as “real” people.
since october 2023
Israeli snipers earn a #PayForSlay bonus for each child they murder.
This genocide unopposed by the west will go down in history. Future generations will remember.
"Two hundred children and 100 women were killed in one day. Altogether, about 400 civilians were killed, and the number of dead is not yet final."
Hey, at exactly what point are you going to stop pretending this isn't happening and get off your ass and do something? Lots of votes for the ALP are evaporating. Hope you like working with greens and independents.
Sadly par for the course. Sympathy and outrage on behalf of the Jewish people has morphed into pro-Israeli cultism that ignores the illegal outrages of the Israeli govt.
entire nations supporting israel bc they can't separate the jewish people from israel as a nation, and israel has made sure to keep that conflation alive as a shield for their war crimes
Even if they *were* the same [they are not], this should be unacceptable to everyone.
it's super critical that it is separated when it's discussed tho, bc that's where the problem with untangling it lies

can't afford to lean into that conflation even in a hypothetical
I agree, but it really doesn't matter who it is doing this. No matter who anyone thinks Israel is or represents, they must be stopped. This is a grotesque genocide and it's absolutely 100% unacceptable, vile and atrocious.
yep, but this is to protect you as well

you don't want to end up standing next to peeps who don't like israel bc they're antisemitic

in this case especially the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy
After all, a country which is exclusively for people whose identity is defined by their matrilineal forbears' religion is not a nation. It was created to steal and be part of US Empire, colonising the ME.
This is the second stage. The first was black people. The next is Eastern Europeans. Then itll be working class people (US middle class) - we already know how they feel about the dirt poor.
What are you on about?
Governments see how far they'll be allowed to go. They target people no one cares about by dehumanising them. And they go further each time. Slavery, the Irish famine, the holocaust, asylum seekers, immigrants. Gaza showed them how far they can go this time.
This is how the bbc reports on it 🙃
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What kills me is when Zionists say “If it was a genocide, it would be 500k killed, not 50k!” But the fact is, it takes time to actually kill that many ppl & Israel shows no sign of stopping. Never again means never again for anyone.
With a Trump assist, so he can build resorts and get richer. These psychopaths need to be arrested and tried in The Hague. Will world leaders just wait until the genocide is complete? What is their purpose? If the only play is to let us fill the streets to protest they really should all resign. 🙄
50k known deaths. The actual number is almost certainly much higher.
I’m sure that’s true. And withholding humanitarian aid is impacting far more than that.
I’m bracing for the day when the estimated death count rises by a faker of like 10 and the zionists declare it fake news
It makes me ill when other Jews tell me I’m falling for Hamas propaganda when my views align with most of the world. And then they pull out the “Jews are always persecuted by everyone” trope. Yes, that is our history. But the actions of Israel make ALL Jews less safe in the world.
Deaths via siege warfare are still deaths via war. The Lancet's death estimates are closer to the truth
Numbers are irrelevant to whether it is genocide.
colonialism and ethnic cleansing is a core western value, after all
Remember when any war on frontline tried really hard not to involve children. Soldier v soldier. There’s no decency in war anymore. They’re all baby-eating-bishop psychopaths.
When was that? You mean before aeroplanes existed?
Yeah pretty much. But yes it wasn’t to be taken too literally. More so that combat didn’t use to involve children targeting like it does now. Everyone’s fair game now.
More of the same tbh.
Apparently everyone is excited about AGENT ORANGE’S NEXT BANKRUPT CASINO GAZA TRUMP
Netanyahu is another GENOCIDE PROPONENT LIKE AGENT ORANGE, KARMA hopefully catches up with them soon and of course DADDY VLADDY! I hope I get to watch them SUFFER, DEBILITATING STROKES FOR THEM ALL
Dangeres Zionisme
Gaza can't be used as a cudgel anymore by American media to damage Biden/Harris/Democrats' election campaigns therefore they stopped caring. It's very simple.
Break out the miniature violins for the two most powerless people in the world who couldn't oppose Israel and stop defending and funding them.
You are simple. And a ghoul.
And it's a simple answer. The American and Western media doesn't care anymore because it's not politically useful for them and their owners.
Giving a simple and thoughtless answer to boil down decades of intentional dehumanization and propaganda that American /Western media has aimed towards genocide in The Middle East is equally barbaric. You hand wave the insidiousness of what they really have done for years by dumbing it down to that.
Likely not intentional, but it comes off as callous and superior. As if the answer is so simple any idiot could have seen it but here we are and there still very much is a genocide and the media still is ignoring it for probably a lot of reasons that we need to figure out. Not shrug and move on.
You think this is all about the election because your parents were brother and sister
Israel: Child murderers.
Not anti-Semitism.Just facts.
#Gaza #Palestine
It's spelled antisemitism. No hyphen. Because it's not anti- Semitism
Absolutely, totally disgusting. Disown Israel NOW
Nutty Yahoo's bloodlust.
Holocaust stage
Horrible, too little outcry from #Europe and officials
Here, I argue that in addition to historical responsibility because of the holocaust, Germany’s support for Israel is mainly driven by values of personal political interest, nationalism, colonialism, islamophobia, geopolitical and economic interests.
Zionism is Fascism hiding behind Victimism of Judaism.
Israël is a criminal state with help from almost the entire world.
Something something abortion kills millions a year you need to drop Marco Mendocino
Ciao, ho iniziato questa raccolta fondi, 10'000, su GoFundMe e significherebbe molto per me se tu fossi in grado di condividerla o donare fondi.
Please can you help me 😭😭😭😭
Ciao, ho iniziato questa raccolta fondi, 10'000, su GoFundMe e significherebbe molto per me se tu fossi in grado di condividerla o donare fondi.
Please can you help me 😭😭😭🙏
Genocide in broad daylight, shamefull by the European media
Remember when we dropped the Atomic bombs? ~50k kids died.
And planned to drop 12, in total.
I get the feeling they are working up to that number range...with the very same tools.
Netanyahu invoked Amalek from the Bible, where Yahweh commanded the murder of every man, woman, child and even live stock. Netanyahu is just following through on his threat.
The support is not from the Americans, but from the foul dark spirit of a leader in America right now.
We are the government we choose.
Well shame on you if you chose this, I sure as hell didn't
Neither did the Democratic party!
yknow I was gonna say they dug this hole themselves by arming and covering for the genocide of Palestinians, but then I saw your handle and I knew I'd just be talking to a brick wall so instead I'm just going to tell you to kill yourself because its what you deserve.
Absolutely not!
Who is "we"
biden was supporting this too. the support is the entire apparatus of the US government
With everything going on right now, it’s easy to feel like regular folks can’t make a difference – but the ACA is a reminder that change is possible when we fight for progress.
Hmanity has reached a stage of barbarism, cruelty and selfishness beyond any recover. From now on only darkness awaits us.
It seems that Netanyahu is out to challenge Pol Pot, Idi Amin etc for a place in the history books.
Israel is the perpetrator, not Netanyahu.
i lost my access to my twittr account and I feel completely cut off - I was following so many accounts from Gaza. now that the media adjusted to "genocide is the new normal for "them"" i can't even be informed of such a terrible massacre😰😭yet all the daily cruelties. is there any good list?? ..😢😢
This is fucking gut wrenching, and I feel like it’s going to get worse.
Trump bombed Yemen last week no doubt killing little babies Israel bombing Gaza killing little babies, but their abhorrence of killing doesn’t seem to stretch to babies in Yemen&Gaza. It the old thing about people being seen as valueless.
Después de vivir lo que están viviendo todo esos niños habrían acabado iendo "terroristas", así que han ido adelantando faena....