Netanyahu and Putin are the same. Their loyalty is not to a nation, allies, or ideals. Their loyalty is to themselves and oligarchy. They detest international law & human dignity.
They are criminals heading enterprises of death, lies, and kleptocracy. To stand with one is to stand with both.
They are criminals heading enterprises of death, lies, and kleptocracy. To stand with one is to stand with both.
haaaa!!!! you really got me with that october 7th thing!
my guys did NOT see that coming!
well done vlad, well done!
I have always been a staunch supporter of the Jewish people, and today I find myself in shame.
We were warned.
USA - Israel - ruSSia - North Korea - Iran
They’re scum. This world will be much better when they and the orange beast are gone.
all over the world,
for crimes against humanity
I don’t give a damn about the politics and who was attacked.
There is no justification for adults to use their military in response to kill thousands of babies.
I hope that Netan-Yahoo rots in hell.
One will take money and weapons to basically genocide
The other one wants to basically destroy US allies and influence so he can weaken and basically control any country he wishes and basically be a de facto ruler
Biohacking penicillin is easy, insulin dependant will go first
Jews are only 2% of the US population, that's not a voting power. It's about the bribery money.
Probably because you're right
He wants into that club.
North Korea
Bibi is a winner of a democracy election, Putin not.
I check your trick, but no, Ukraine and "Palestine" doesn't share the same history.
Your statement get true my affermation.
A (not good for me) democracy elected president versus a czar.
On the other hand a free State attacked by Russia versus a throatcutting horde voted to distruct israel.
- Woody Guthrie
Gods willing.
Any guesses.
Trump is jealous, & wants in the club.
Are we going to allow the bronze buttplug to commit an attrocity just so he can get a matching smoking robe for the club?
I know how about we ditch Musk, Trump, Vance, their cabinet, & Republican reps etc.
I can keep going.
"Global Pacification Industry"
Also available on BBC iPlayer
PS the email lady was right
They are all the same. 😒
Trump have good friends.
The Senate has the sole power to try
All present members must vote a 2/3 majority in order to convict. Then sentencing for removal from office can begin.
The common factors, *chronology, & correlation btwn all the current International atrocities since the start of Dictator Putin's Genocidal Conquest, are traces to Putin
I bet they know this about him and probably fucking loathe the comparisons.
To stay out of jail.
Yeah. Netanyahu is worse.
Make no mistake when the Republicans talk about peace, they are talking about unconditional surrender
We don’t want peace with Nazis. We don’t want peace with fascist
We want them to leave
Both are cut from the SAME cloth.
After 9/11 Israel demanded payouts from american tax payers and sent 0 bodies to help fight terrorism with the excuse they may stir up the neighbors.... while they bombed the neighbors with american tax money.
Don't forget the pensioner in Russia, Bashar al-Assad .....
Beg forgiveness afterwards.
I know what I said here.
The CIA Finally admitted Stalin had a democracy.
They had equal rights for women something women have never had in the US. Lgbtq rights which the democrats and Republicans are collaborating to take away all rights.
They support marco rubio in his efforts to practice ethnic cleansing. To the right of Reagan. Who let AIDS kill until it spread to heterosexual men. 79 93 09 trifectas didn't codify roe. Helped the billionaires, though. Can't annoy zionist AIPAC or billionaires.
This is an empire in decline. Fascism the highest form of capitalism. Trump is accelerating the fall. A country that was literally built on slavery genocide land theft exploitation zionism war &that can only survive on the continuation of it deserves to die. Socialism now.
When satire is real. Lib logic 2024. Biden said I don't want my kids growing up in a jungle. The kkk voters are mad the neo nazi party won. Scapegoating everyone for the kkk loss to the nazi. Meanwhile communists&socialists hate kkk nazis fascists zionists. But USSR bad. SMH
Or in American terms the republican democratic party collaboration. He learned everything by studying America. 249 years&47 presidents have done far worse than he ever did. Gaza genocide by the original nazi party every war since ww2. Settler colonialism genocide.
They are both MURDERERS.
No one is safe.
many Muslim countries that manage fine. As far as I understand, before Israel was dumped in Palestine, ALL religions and none lived peacefully together. None are superior. Personally I have no time for ANY religion.
much must Palestinians endure?
If you are waiting for me to say something nice about Hamas: that won't happen.