Invading Canada would spark guerrilla fight lasting decades, expert says.
“a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States.” #CdnPoli
“a military invasion of Canada would trigger a decades-long violent resistance, which would ultimately destroy the United States.” #CdnPoli
Canada gets east coast and Alaska
Probables solved. Just saved tens of millions lives
Red states gon git
Vietnam is a case in point.
Better dead than red, white and blue
Better dead than red, white and blue
Pro Patria
What if you attacked your best friend?
What if your closest neighbour hated you?
What if your children never returned home from another pointless war?
What if Hamas mined your uranium, and had 2 million cubic tons of radioactive waste at a hundred sites across half a continent?
What if ISIS's children played sports with your kids.
What if the Ho chi Minh trail ended in Boston, Albany, Minneapolis, Denver...
Imagine if the Viet Cong dressed, talked and moved just like Americans
There would be sorties into the USA to make that invasion a lot harder. Possible invasions south to set up buffers.
Are dead Americans really something Americans are willing to stomach for a clown King?
Mob bosses only last as long as the lieutenants are making money.
It won't be pretty, and everyone (Right wing Americans) will be frightened all the time.
Canadian special forces will blend in and infiltrate with guerilla tactics deep in US territory. No GOP will be safe.
Putin pushes west, Trump pushes north & they both meet in the middle of a new Soviet Union spanning the northern hemisphere.
Currently there is a new north atlantic alliance & it is committed to aiding Ukraine … if that alliance had to manage conflict on 2 fronts ..
It wouldn't be some faraway war they can contain or pull out of when convenient.
Vast tough terrain with a 5500 mile border. Canadians are smart, resilient, have many friends, and existential motivation.
It'd be a shitshow for the US.
😀 "oh cool I can grab territory too!"
😨 "oh my god oh my fuck, apparently trying to just casually conquer a large neighbour full of armed & fiercely free people in modern war can go real fucking bad!"
I'm sure they don't care what it'll cost the actual people involved on either side. But they clearly don't even understand the catastrophic costs they'd be signing themselves up for.
Hopefully one of the rare adults they still listen to can convince them of the stupidity.
But we have to think of what Putin wants most.
Which will be help in Ukraine.
Trump will move US troops to Hungary, so they can then attack Ukraine.
Gaza, Panama, Canada, Greenland later, once Putin gets what he wants.
Think about that
Not a military I would want to argue with.
Also saw the story of how during the Christmas Truce of 1915 in WW1 some Germans invited Canadians for a party - & were promptly shot at.
If you make us fight we end it fast so we can go home. If they really want to fight, they better understand what we’re made of.
Even our airforce was prepared for guerilla warfare. We have a bunch of notes for you. All we ask is a good deal on syrup.
With much love /Sweden
But I have heard that half the specifics of the geneva convention are written because of canadian....enthusiasm. So you should be ok. ;)
Blood for the blood god! 😈
Sanctions would CRIPPLE US military readiness, ability and logistics
Not to mention troops that don't want to get shot at and US civilians who are on Canada's side
Trumps 3 day war 🙄
We get like 60% of our electricity from Canada
They just have to flip the switch and people will freak out
Trust me on this.
#Never51 #Elbowsup
then covering themselves in oodles of sweet luscious maple 🍁 syrup
then sticking their dick into a wasps nest whilst being watched from the bushes by a load of laughing hungry wolves and bears.
He blames the victim and uses many excuses (fentanyl, tariff retaliation) to justify invasion.
I mean, I’m kind of glad they did because now Canada likely won’t vote in their own Trump, since Trump has galvanized all of Canada against him. But it was touch and go for a minute there.
That’s not even getting into the Mohawk at Kahnawake, some join the US Marines & then move home.
Trying to attack Canada is capital S stupid.
I think it would be the equivalent of the USSR's Afghanistan.
Counterinsurgency ratio is recommended 20-25 per 1k. US has 1.3 million active duty.
There aren’t enough American troops in the world to occupy Canada and protect the U.S.
So dumb
It gets stupider and stupider the more we discuss it.
I certainly need the practice. 😬🤣
Players would all be Trump trying to stay out of jail and steal money. It would have to include golf courses and hotels, plus casinos to bankrupt.
Moron-opoly if you will
Orangeman has made all of us ashamed to live here. I’m up for an invasion. Canadians will be cheered and given flowers.
Disgusting. Fuck Trump.
That’s what he did with every business he’s ever operated, of course he assumes he can do the same thing as President.
There’s a massive fifth column of support for Canada in the States.
Una mattina mi son svegliato,
o bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao!
Una mattina mi son svegliato
e ho trovato l’invasor.
Might as well go out with a few bangs, eh! 😁
My plan is for everyone to act normally and then all the snow plow operators hide their equipment when the snow flies!
This would be a man made disaster!
That said, Cheers!
...asking for a friend...
Line that’s dumb. It the Orange fuck in the Oval Office .
Fucking count on it.
Just saying.
If we wanna return to empires, we shall give everything back to the largest empire in human history:
EVERYBODY knows not to mess with the nice patient guy cuz once they get mad you’re fuked!
Please stop this timeline; I'd like to get off the ride
He's just not worth the sticker price.
Instead, get smarter about running Canada without the USA.
-create jobs by changing to a greener economy.
-Build electric vehicles and all parts here.
-Make lots of net zero energy housing.
-Refine our own oil.
-Build more cold-climate heat pumps
-frig trump
These dumb ass MAGAs think people losing everything they own in armed conflicts won’t happen to them. But that is war, and your homeowner insurance policy explicitly says “that ain’t covered”.
But yeah, keep beating that drum.
No shots fired.
We've seen the bravado before and it failed miserably...
I think you're not understanding
We have one mantra since forever in 🇨🇦
"We're not 🇺🇸ns"
The belief that you could win the battle just reminds us 🇨🇦ians of the 🇺🇸n arrogance that has seen your country lose war after war...
India’s army plus reserves is some 5.4 million troops.