A vast majority of people are paralyzed just watching the news day after day. You aren’t supposed to spectate reality or your own collapse; you are supposed to participate. For anyone reading this, help those around you break free. #3E
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Encourage everyone. No act of defiance or resistance is too small. People still need encouragement. We all do. Keep picking each other up. Fight these bastards.
PLEASE PLEASE if you are getting close to the edge please go on YouTube and watch an episode of gardening world. It will make you feel good again even for a moment.
We need to start going into our actual community and checking on our neighbors like knocking on doors like missionaries. Unfortunately, sitting behind a computer is not going to do much anymore. With the constant blockage of information and pushing us apart from each other.
These groups give a safe pretext to meet up. In this context of friendly acquaintances, we can also talk about current events and what we can do to
resist, and see if anyone needs some support.
History shows that things change in ways that people don't anticipate. A lesson is the indispensability of perseverance. Endurance in activism is not about physical presence but also about the mental and emotional fortitude to continue advocating for justice, even when the odds seem insurmountable.
I remember suggesting Dems in the US protest in 2020 when it was obvious Trump & Kushner were lying & profiteering off every phase of COVID (reducing supply & increasing demand) & killing ppl in the process. The response was basically "we'll wait till the pandemic is over." 😵wtf is wrong w/them? IDK
And remember there are lots of things you can do at a local level to expose & address local corruption and violation of laws/the Constitution if you can’t rally at your Capital due to distance, time, ability… though I do wish Anonymous was in Eastern Oregon…
A vast majority of people are enraged and waiting for someone to lead. The left is the most mobilized base imaginable. We are all dressed up w/nowhere to go. I have boycotted, I’ve written, I’ve called, I’ve protested, I’ve contributed. What more? It’s not enough.
It takes 2 seconds and im also coordinating, volunteering, donating, protesting, emailing, calling. Im a hardcore gamer and i dont game anymore. So you can say "its a waste" but i hope you're doing something. Dont give up is all im saying.
Anon the problem is that the problem is that the vast majority of American Republicans are ignorant and instead those who have studied they are afraid of repression. They will get swallowed up in Trump's propaganda thinking that if they hate Trans people they will be saved. I hope for the best.. #3E
I just watched a doc about the early days of Hitler. His views on the Jews were NOT popular. There were even Christian groups formed to protect the Jews.He backed off a couple of times. Then, he used propaganda to control the majority, and they started to believe that Jews were the problem.
If we keep speaking up and protesting, trump will see that his plans are not popular. trump loves to be loved. He won't like it when his numbers drop further.
We need to acknowledge that people react to danger in different ways, typically: fight, flight, freeze or fawn. I'm a "deer in the headlights" person and realize that my strength lies in behind-the-scenes support for the cause and the street fighters. No respect for fawn-ers and flee-ers, though.
I hear you. However, up here in the Great White North we are facing a recession and your government trying to force us into his madness. We talk buy Canadian we support the American Resistance. We are arms locked and united. I haven’t heard of anyone screaming to be a part of the US
I’m so sorry that our illness has spread to your country now. I have nothing but love and admiration for the Canadian people. My heart is broken over this.
Thank you for recognizing and stating the trauma overload here. We all need to help each other, encourage, support and keep the momentum GROWING now to win back our democracy.
Hung a sign at my front door. Just to make it clear I can see what is going on and that maybe others should look too. A distress signal you could call it.
A neighbor dropped a note in my mailbox saying it made her feel less alone. She asked if I knew of any resources or groups to connect with. I emailed her a bunch of resources and she was so grateful .
Flesh out your signal group. Have places to gather if comms die. Have a community plan to defend against the fascist. Have their home addresses and locations hardcopy.
From what I see… They are just realizing their mistake. (Wake up)
Stock market drop shook them. (Fear)
Tariffs (flight) -avoid spending
Social security is the deal breaker (fight)
Everyone must participate, educate, resist, protest, speak up, take to the streets, call representatives, boycott, support their community. This is a marathon of small steps done daily, consistently. #democracy
Any suggestions for friends getting their news from Dylan Page? I checked it out and first thing I watched was his 69M viewed, take on Russia from a while back…it was basically Kremlin bullet list…then 20 minutes on Diddy
I just don't have the energy for that anymore. The people I surround myself with are people who support me and have similar beliefs. My mental health requires me to protect me.
Those might be my relatives who didn’t vote because they thought Joe was “the lesser of two evils”. I can’t seem to get them to react either. It’s their hard boiled Ego. It’s stuck inside their Esophagus.
Its a constant stream of flight or fight. Rapid changes, multiple facets of govt broken, many affecting my life..NOW and the shards of government and policy left effects others I love and the world as a whole. I'm not paralyzed, I'm constantly strategizing what I have energy for on any given day.
When the US crosses the line and a sovereign nation interprets it as a declaration of war, the momentum will change. Until then, we must stand up for our rights of our citizens. Don't watch as people are victimized. Help them! Our communities must respond to the suffering. No one can stand alone.
The us has crossed many lines. My nation, Canada, has definitely interpreted your government’s actions and words as war. Your leader has told us we have no right to exist. Ask Ukraine, Denmark, Greenland, Panama. So where is your momentum?
[We] try to speak "strength" into some people as well. Sometimes even in person, but of course they never realize it's [We] because similarto #Anonymous, [We] are "covert". Thank you guys and ladies for reinforcing that we all should do that to help them.
"They will not break me. Fuck them all. They will not break me. But I will break them. This is my promise to myself, to my friends, and to you, anyone who reads these words. I will break them all."
-Note added by Crawler Carl,
Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook, 25th Edition
They're banking on us believing they've already won. That is literally all they have. There are way more of us than them. I'm tired of being anxious and worred all the time. I'm pissed
This paper was written in 2010 an dthen ignored. IF ONLY we could have gotten someone to take it seriously. Please read, we wrote a whole political action strategy to combat this.
I feel you so deeply in this.. It's like being torn in two directions.. You know the USA is burning but you're barely eating and getting bills paid while working two jobs, maybe a family you are responsible for, and wtf there's not enough time in the day already.. Sigh
You are 100% correct.
We cannot afford to protest, but if you don't protest we won't be able to .
The evidence suggests that telling people of what is coming isn't enough to motivate them.
I submit we may have more mobilization if people have more money in their wallets.
First they came for the Gay, and I did not speak out, because I was not Gay.
Then they came for the Women, and I did not speak out—because I am not a women.
Then they came for the Poor, and I did not speak out,because I was not poor.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
I'm receiving state assistance for continuing to live with a disability and I pretty much know we're on borrowed time. It's not about what I am willing to do right now within or outside of my comfort zone; I can't drive to protests. So, I write. I am a strong writer and that is what I'll do.
Thank you everyone for the supportive comments! It's really motivating me to start making an informative blog/content as well as pick up some post cards to send to our Reps! Remember, not everyone needs to do the same thing - diversity is what makes us great :)
I have issues too. Some days I have zero scoops of energy or I hit the wall. I also have mobility challenges and winter is hard. But I do what I can. I am hoping that if there are still protests in the summer, I will get to participate at some point.
Americans could actually use your leadership here. You are the ones that claim to be the masters of civil discourse; TEACH them how! This is a first for North America... Let's not shame people for not knowing what the fuck to do.
The point is *not* to seek out a hierarchical response. Do projects. Form a group of like-minded folks who meet up with no electronics and figure out how to be effective. We don’t need leaders, we need teams and councils. The thing they fear most is a council of people with equal votes, AKA “soviet”
Well, based on your theory, Trump shouldn't have won ... But the facts are scattered all over the place, and people don't know where to look. There are also so many little things happening all over the place. Something bigger, and more organized needs to take place. Experienced leaders are required.
i completely agree with you. I see people doing everything they can. At some point, they are beholden to The people they elected. I’m with you and giving people the grace need and the support they need helps us all.
Amber it’s useless trying to tell anyone what should have happened or what could have happened. Reality is it’s here. Your voice counts. Defend democracy 🫶🙏🏻🇨🇦
Yeah, dude, I think that is step one, and then the next step - which dude it’s really scary, but it’s community outreach, could be talking to your neighbors, volunteering, it’s that next step and it’s hard to take, but I think we all need to encourage each other to do that next step too 💙💙💙💙
You are spot on with this. Also, donate what you can whenever you can to local food banks and shelters. Form local groups of volunteers and start a soup kitchen in churches and community centres. We need to be able to count on each other, now more than ever. ✊
I’m trying where I’m at! Getting out to protest in a safe place was my first step and I’m slowly getting more comfortable with the rest. It’s been very transformative for me actually. If this introvert can do it, so can everyone else. 🫂💙
Colleagues and I are building a network to provide free career support/advice for federal workers and higher ed professionals affected by the firings and funding cuts/freezes. So far, we've had over 60 professionals sign up.
I appreciate those words, and I’ve been doing that. Yet today I hit a wall. I need to step back and take a mental health moment to grieve, for everything we have lost and for everything I have lost personally.
I suggest any others who need to, do so now. It’s a luxury we
may not have later. Bless
I don't think anyone can afford to stand by and watch, or be dumbfounded into inaction. You either contribute to your survival and work towards prosperity, or participate in your own collapse and eventual demise.
This is true. Go outside. Talk to your neighbours. There is a world out there. Then find out if your neighbours are getting together anywhere..maybe with signs and megaphones.
We just need a leader that will have charisma and visibility to begin saying things like they are eating the poor,they are eating grandma,they are contaminating the children with measles etc, We need an allied country to say we are going to buy the U.S. at huge discount since they are bottoming out.
I will transcript what I was able to from the website this morning: "Sputnik, a Russian state media outlet, has published an article targeting Mark Carney, the newly elected leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and incoming Prime Minister.
The article frames Carney as an unqualified and problematic leader by listing alleged “mishaps” including one connecting him with Russia’s classic neo-Nazi accusation.
It should be noted that Sputnik, like RT, is a key instrument of the Russian government and intelligence services, used for information and influence operations targeting Western democracies.
Sputnik’s article is not a neutral critique but part of a broader disinformation campaign aimed at:
Undermining Carney’s leadership by questioning his credentials, integrity, and political legitimacy.
Eroding Canadian support for Ukraine by framing Carney’s pro-Ukraine stance, especially his use of “Slava Ukraini“, as radical or dangerous.
Sowing distrust in Western financial and political elites by portraying Carney as an untrustworthy figure tied to corruption and globalist interests.
Think of this way—if you do something, anything, someone else knows that there are more people who agree with them. They feel more powerful and confident in their beliefs. Maybe they join in, maybe not but when and if it all goes to hell, we need numbers. I just think of anything as cheerleading
I’m trying to get the crowd riled up to support their team. The team is them, it’s all of us. Who knows what the Washingtonians are doing but we need to be united
🩷 honestly, being out there and having positive response makes me feel so much better. I don’t know if we are changing minds, but it makes ME feel less alone and it must be helping some of the people honking for us.
Thank you, but we’re not out of the woods yet. We need to make sure that people vote for #MarkCarney not Pierre Poilievre . PP as we call him is just like Trump has the same agenda uses the same far right-wing media. If you have dual US & Canadian citizenship, please vote Mark.
I have to take mental health breaks from social media or i will become even more depressed and anxious than I already am. It's ok to turn off news and social media and walk away for a bit. Mental health matters
She makes a lucid, concise argument for not ever buying one. And she is “laid off”. Who is surprised by that knowing how much Elon hates women and minorities? This is right up there with that lady who crashed her Tesla and couldn’t escape the car because the windows and doors are all electronically
motivated. Knowing that, and then what this lady and your video says about the camera that you can’t even put a piece of tape over… If that doesn’t make people run, absolutely run as fast as they can away from this vehicle, I don’t know what’s in their head
Just reading up on things is important! Here's a good start!
It’s as easy as making your daily activities a protest with a sign.
Need facts? The keeping track Reddit has all p2025 objectives logged. https://www.project2025.observer/
It’s as easy as ordering a sticker or two to put up in your community. Get them here.
Because as I have seen in my own book club, women’s friendships/activities FB groups, non-profit admin board meetings, people are eager to
These groups give a safe pretext to meet up. In this context of friendly acquaintances, we can also talk about current events and what we can do to
resist, and see if anyone needs some support.
Friday, March 14th DC
If you haven’t signed this - check it out. I just signed it.
A good book to read
Make calls.
Show up.
Make good trouble.
Be loud.
Fight back.
Bring a friend, bring a neighbor.
Even if protesting solo, the rest of the world stands in solidarity ✊
A neighbor dropped a note in my mailbox saying it made her feel less alone. She asked if I knew of any resources or groups to connect with. I emailed her a bunch of resources and she was so grateful .
This is something we all need to be doing.
Stock market drop shook them. (Fear)
Tariffs (flight) -avoid spending
Social security is the deal breaker (fight)
Michael Moore
That’s what I do with most friends during last few days. Also, I urge them to join me for the #Protests this Friday! More people the better!
A sociological phenomenon where the larger the crowd, the less likely people are to offer up help.
We as a nation are all traumatized from the crimes we're witnessing and it's stagnating response. Especially by our so-called political leaders.
-Note added by Crawler Carl,
Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook, 25th Edition
#resist #3e #Revolution2025 #Resisters #OpUSA #50501Movement #Anonymous #NAFO
#blueresisters #bluewave #bluecrew
You can lead a horse to water, you can’t make them drink.
Read up and get ready!
We cannot afford to protest, but if you don't protest we won't be able to .
The evidence suggests that telling people of what is coming isn't enough to motivate them.
I submit we may have more mobilization if people have more money in their wallets.
Then they came for the Women, and I did not speak out—because I am not a women.
Then they came for the Poor, and I did not speak out,because I was not poor.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
We got your back in the streets.
Yes, experienced leaders are always a needed asset, and group actions are necessary.
But that doesn’t absolve individuals from doing all that they can in whatever capacity they can, too.
Both are required.
I suggest any others who need to, do so now. It’s a luxury we
may not have later. Bless
The site is down.
X was down pretty much only in Canada the other day too?
Undermining Carney’s leadership by questioning his credentials, integrity, and political legitimacy.
Sowing distrust in Western financial and political elites by portraying Carney as an untrustworthy figure tied to corruption and globalist interests.
Chaos is fought with chaos.
you are leadership.
I am leadership.
You will also find out that many people are just absolutely fucking stupid and cannot be trusted as a teammate to perform anything.
Every act is now necessary.
The police are protecting the nazi: they are nazi.
Everyone can play a role in helping others feel empowered. 💪🏻
I really admire all the solidarity - and I applaud you.
signed, Sane Americans
This lady worked at Tesla.
Listen to what she has to say.