It is. A bunch of scared white folks- who Tuberville is part of and represents- do not want an actual democracy if they can't be in charge of it. They're weak, stupid, and dying off.
Are you surprised the country that resorted to genocide to be built on stolen land through slave labor doesn't respect such things as "free speech" as much as it claimed it did?
Of course they don’t want free speech. They’re also not showing up for Townhall meetings because they don’t wanna hear what any of us had to say. Surprise!?
Please explain to me like I'm a toddler, why hate speech on Rogan, TwatterX and Faux News is fine and dandy, and Persistent Chump can incite a riot from his platform, but students can't protest genocide....
I'll wait...
Hey Tom. Just wanted to drop by & wish a plague & pestilence upon you. Since you use religion as a shield, I think it only fitting that you fall on it. Re free speech: Fuck you, you're a micro- penis in a tie & your very existence is a crime against common sense & humanity. Suck a bag of dicks loser
This blatant buffoon is nothing but an ignorant racist who lacks intelligence as well empathy. The only thing missing is his white KKK sheet and cone hat. He is a Trump toady. He is from Alabama. That says it all.
Bernie Sanders proposed medicare for all that would cover vision & dental. it takes the existing medicare system & lowers the age of entry 10 yrs ever couple of yrs until everyone is covered. it's doable but dems & reps get $ from insurance & pharma so it's up to voters to vote for better candidates
The middle men (insurance companies etc) take the majority for profit. Medicare for all would lower our total health care costs and everyone would get the medical attention they need.
But wht nationalist fuckheads can shout "Jews will not replace us" and be praised as "good people" yeah
um cool story fox
#freepalestine #freemahmoudkahlil
Don't forget that the democrats laid the ground work for this. Every Democrat that condemned the Palestine protests last year is responsible for what is happening now. Every Democrat who doesn't stand up and speak out against this is complicit
Funny since Trump is supported by Musk who, apparently, bought Twitter to make it a platform based on free speech... free speech my a**. It was BS all along and most of us knew it.
These people need to stop with their ‘rules for thee, but not for me.’
“It’s hateful for you to disagree with me, but it’s not hateful for me to tell you to shut up or try to silence you by painting you as the villain (for disagreeing with me).”
hate speech isn't allowed ok buddy sure if one of your inbred constituents called me a tranny you'd give them a medal I'm so sick of the two-faced behavior from this soulless cunts
Palestine is going to be the thing that cracks this party, most people don’t like genocide, no matter what their religion is they don’t like genocide, but a few just haven’t figured it out yet, they hear the “terrorism” hype, the anti-cinnamon rhetoric…
Ask him about those gallows that they set up in front of the capital building when they were trying to hang Mike pence. Should we have kept those people in jail because of what they were protesting are maybe just because they were white. They shouldn't be put in jail.
That’s exactly what it’s gotten to be. Free speech only if you say what the right allows. Anything else is something else, hate speech or terrorism. I’m constantly amazed that the right can’t put 2 and 2 together to see that they can shout the crap they want to, Jews will not replace us or
whatever, under exactly the same laws. Free speech means you can pretty much say what you want with limits to prevent harm. That is, you can’t just stand up in a crowded theater and yell “fire” so that people get trampled. You can’t incite a riot or violence. I
Again, how is opposing genocide bad?????
I’m so sorry I pocess human characteristics, you fcking delusional cockwomble
has this moron ever heard his boss speak for more than 2 seconds
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
It's beginning to feel more inevitable with every day that passes.
Can we even call this America anymore?
It’s “Anti-Genocide activist” ya fucks.
I'll wait...
I’ll give this guy $5 to say judicial system.
Trump and his collaborators will have to run for their lives 🤷🏻♀️
Nothing is stronger than united and determined people
No police or army can ever stop them
That is what the Trump regime knows
These people are addressing how genocide opposes civilization. And a lot of people like civilization, and other people.
I just wish the media could understand the language they use.
um cool story fox
#freepalestine #freemahmoudkahlil
“It’s hateful for you to disagree with me, but it’s not hateful for me to tell you to shut up or try to silence you by painting you as the villain (for disagreeing with me).”
F@ck that guy and the Russiapublicans in Congress
Cuz it sure shows….
We stand with Palestine
I can think of a lot of ways that can be interpreted but none of them would align with what Fox means
King John can look forward to loosing his head.
We can get louder and more numerous. Make them convert school gyms into holding cells. Crush them under the weight of our non-compliance.