Last Reskeet: I also wanna note that climate despair ("It's too late, we're doomed") is, literally, the latest phase of the fossil fuel industry's war on facts. They rolled straight into despair from denialism because, if we're all fucked forever anyway, why bother trying to shut down refineries?
In her "Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene"
(Donna Haraway, 2016, Duke U Press)
2. It’s happening but it’s not that bad
3. It’s bad but at this point there’s nothing we can do about it.
"But my property values" and "it will spoil the view" won't be the moneyed interest forever.
How can we come together with our world in tatters? Hollywood’s answer: Don’t even bother
But giving up means the destruction of a myriad of unique cultures not found elsewhere
mostly in weaponizing actual societal concerns to push people deeper into individualism
Either shutting them down will help a lot and make the world better
Or we can exact retribution for the secret war they've carried out on us.
It's a no lose proposition!
1. It isn't happening
2. It might be happening, but it's not our fault.
3. It's happening, it's our fault, but nothing can be done.
4. It's happening, it's our fault, things could have been done but it is now too late to do them. What a tragedy. Want some more oil?