1/ A thread about why the gutting of journalism, and local news in particular, is a main reason why we are here. And what you can do—constructively—to help.
Let's start with the homepage of @dallasnews.com. Mostly sports. Almost nothing about what's happening in DC—THAT AFFECTS TEXANS
Let's start with the homepage of @dallasnews.com. Mostly sports. Almost nothing about what's happening in DC—THAT AFFECTS TEXANS
Listen to The Divided Dial from @wnyc.org for a chilling history lesson.
I still remember local radio before the crippling ClearChannel monopoly.
…get mad…?
It’s time to increase your portfolio in the media
It’s time to own local TV stations.
Starting with a local station in SF.
You do not need to purchase one!!
Bush had started an illegal war. I chose not to pay a pub that endorsed him. I do support regional/state pubs (Tx Tribune, TX Monthly, etc) & alt pubs + the SA paper that endorsed KH (AAS like WAPO demurred).
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1. National news, when it hits the Chron website is most often sourced from another paper. So I suspect the Chron assumes that people who want that news go to one of the national papers ...
Of interest for TX will be how economic boom will increase tolerance of change or magnify it.
I know a few personally, but that's just anecdotal.
Sports, sport, sports. Pablum.
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