It's another venue for propaganda. He will probably use it to push his narratives. The war on drugs is a great way to roll back civil rights and demonize illegal immigrants and foreigners.
I don’t use Fentanyl. I’m aware it’s a problem of course, and about 90% of my information to date comes from…PSAs by city, state and federal agencies all trying like hell to alert people about Fent. Like every Trump of Jenius™️ this one is years out of date.
Let me guess “say NO to drugs” where have I heard that before? What a moron! He needs to have treatment centers all across the country work with city and town mayors. Sometimes people get hooked because they were already in a bad state financially, psychologically etc. anything less won’t work!
It's diversion. Look over here! Look over here! 'It's about the drugs, " says the guy with the pill mill at the prior WH
Follow the money & power grab in who benefits from what they don't want you to pay attention to elsewhere that's really happening. Diversion is their expertise.
Who knew?
(apart from everyone)
Do something actually innovative, Don Old
Follow the money & power grab in who benefits from what they don't want you to pay attention to elsewhere that's really happening. Diversion is their expertise.