instructions on the microwave meal: let it stand for 1 minute
me: first of all, you are not the boss of me
me: first of all, you are not the boss of me
(The burn is bad enough, but the itch of the skin regrowing persists for days and is equivalent to Chinese Water Torture.) #SoDontDoThat #cooking #lifehack
If I put some tabasco sauce into ice-cube trays, I could just plop one of those mofos into the fourth-state-of-matter-ass hot microwave enchiladas, and everything will even out.
No? Just me? Oh....
Like many, at first I believed it was just another Internet rumor
At best it's going to lay there.
"Now press "Start"
Think about directions, wait, *s͛p͛a͛r͛k͛s͛* are you cooking the fork?"
So I do and walk away and forgot I made food for like ten minutes. lol
A plague on your 'Open This End' !! 😂
OwowowFUCK It burns!
Why didn’t you warn me?!
I'll eat it how I want to eat it, okay?
I'll let you know how it was after the feeling in my tongue comes back.
Thank you. 😑
Simply put your microwave on the roof!
I do counter-clockwise every time.