So tell us Richard Tice, now you’re living under Sharia law in the UAE, how many camels have you been offered for Isabel Oakeshott?
Richard Tice -
Richard Tice -
But at the same time of course they are dur!!!! What a pair of cunts
And not that end.
Take it Ricky - there's been far fewer Nazis in the back end of that camel.
I bet Wikipedia isn’t available to UAE nationals.
there are a lot.. and i met a lot of them.
Like a magnet... greed and stingy People.
Also is isn't she an immigrant to now? Probably calls herself an expat!
I hope he gets 50 lashes as well as her for doing something irregular that breaks Sharia Law 🤣
I've not got around to much but the few wronguns in the west causing various levels of problems from trifling to gross are:
"Haram not following the Law of the Land bringing shame"
I pointed out that he wants Sharia Law, the very thing he's scared of migrants somehow imposing it on the UK.
He didn't like that.
Fk them!.🤬
(Note to any gullible Americans, it really isn't!)