as people wiser than me keep saying, don't assume the fascist machine is well-oiled and incredibly competent! they're a bunch of idiot criminals who have stumbled back into power. it's bad, but the saving grace is that ... they're a bunch of idiot criminals!
Remember, he had people like Pence, Mattis, Sessions, Tillerson, Priebus… there’s literally no adult who could even fill out a fucking form this time.
At this point, it's less about the fascism (which will be intended, but only achieved in an incidental fashion [fashion?]) and more about the wanton destroyment of the nation.
After all, Hitler wasn't actually the embodiment of all that is evil. He wouldn't have committed half as many crimes if he'd had to do the work himself.
Either way, it's going to cost a lot of lives.
The idiot criminal can also slap a bunch of TNT to the walls and destroy the whole building.
Relying on the idiocy to sabotage their schemes doesn't seem like a surefire safe bet.
It's very, very possible that he thinks he's gonna get his way on these.
We may have to wait until they lose the house & senate in 2026 to do anything about it.