The convict-in-Chief has the nearly $900,000 it costs per plane to deport people, but kids with cancer can apparently F off.
Are we “great again” yet?
Are we “great again” yet?
We can also track when the orange criminal golfs:
I am sorry I can't package my response any better.
Australia is the best. I have been very fortunate.
This👇 old song says it all....
At 73, I now realize how I mistakenly believed all the hype that America was supposed to stand for.
Reality in the form of Trump has finally dispelled all illusions I had about the US and brought clarity to my mind.
I weep for you.
The greatest joke on the planet today thanks to the illegitimate Felon 47 !!
This is from the National Review. It's a right wing news outlet that praises the move. I usually don't agree with anything they print. I've also seen it in other sources as well.
2019 -
How does he think the we are going to get the Medical care needed?
Does he actually think this is going to help anyone?
This is NEGLECT!
ref: Remember when tRump ripped off his "non-profit" for kids with cancer.
If targets are illegal immigrant criminals, then why aren't you pulling the illegal immigrant criminals out of the jails? Is it because your billionaire buddies that own these privatized jails get money from government?
Why go after people with valid Visas? Its all for show
So again I say, Republicans are gaslighting all of this. Its about creating a fake need for privatized detention centers.
Flight! 🤬🤬 he plans to do this every day.. with our military planes!!!
We don't even have the concept of a plan. But unless you have one, you're no better than "the elderly Democrats who refuse to lead" (but are, very much so, if we pay attention to them).
This wrecklessness is similar to Trump's Covid-19 fiasco that cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their lives!!!
All that emotional cheering for propaganda and shared hatred.
I don't have an answer. But there are people ASSUMING that "the Democrats" won't come up with one.
Slightly more than half of the voters in the US with the aid of the Electoral College elected a corrupt bully and a traitor to his own nation
The Democrats have always done the right thing. It is not the party's fault if your populace is, (there is no nice way of saying this) ignorant.
Let me understand Mister T.
how taking food out of the mouths of children,
To line the pockets of two or three billionaires,
Is going to make America great again.
If you did believe in God, you would see
S/he would frown greatly upon men demanding babies be born,
Only to starve them.
Must really mean McIdiot's Dept of Gigantic Expenses
Hey Muskrat? Are we "efficient"now?
*Here is the Phone number to the WH Switchboard; Call to speak or leave a msg. to your Representative + speak your mind!
You know some are just being complicit and it's disgusting.
The Return to Sanity
Reform of SCOTUS
Electoral Protections
Gerrymandering legislation
Pro Choice legislation
Campaign reform removing dark money
Election Funding
Hate Speech
Universal Healthcare
And they brought them back!
What year is it? 😳😱
Nothing he is doing has any benefit for anyone, and many of the people who are injured by it supported him. It's a flex, basically, signaling how "powerful" he is and no other point.
I remember the Reagan Administration classifying ketchup as a vegetable so they could cut on school lunch $$. Why are Republicans such cheap asshats towards poor children?
Evidently he’s good with thoughts & prayers as a preventative measure to protect kids from school shooters!
It’s hard to believe such an prick evil exists
They know exactly what they’re doing to us.