Fun fact: while Phony Stark and the DOGEbags are taking money from our veterans, the world’s poorest people and kids with cancer, Assistant President Poopy Pants has already spent nearly $11 million of our money… playing golf.
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He is so disgusting. No wonder they have to come up with fake memes of him looking like he's a strong man. He's a fat old man with dementia. They even got to lie to themselves about the way the fucking loser looks
In May 2023, the US Virgin Islands tried to subpoena Musk to turn over documents that connect him to Chase Bank AND Jeffrey Epstein.
Possibly, with Musk & Trump controlling the DOJ, his "friends" continue trafficking WITHOUT fear of federal prosecution AND get paid by the US govt to do it.
Thanks for clarifying which president by using the very specific 'poopy pants' designation. Otherwise I might have wondered whether you were referring to the real one.
Wondering if instead of posting his actual picture we could just start using a silhouette? I’m tired of feeling nauseated every time I have to see his putrid face. Thanks so much for this consideration.
VA Secretary Collins had better have receipts for that level of improvement in the treatment of veterans for just two-weeks of working days on the job - especially after firing over a thousand of the people staffing those positions. He's a hell of an administrator if true, but I don't think so...
Let's challenge Republicans. The Biden administration identified fraud originating from programs established during the Trump administration, particularly related to COVID-19 relief efforts, $200 billion PPP & EIDL, $163 billion Unemployment Insurance Fraud, $175 billion Provider Relief Fund Misuse
He doesn't care. Literally no one is going to stop him. We have no leaders in congress. None, zilch, zip, zero. It will be the fall of this once great country. It's a bunch of bullshit.
No-rule of law stoll works but you must have and expect everyone to be informed enough ro require and demand arrests of invaders to go before judges even when no one except the masses will arrest.
And it's only been one month, 47 more to go. God help us. Many will die unnecessarily just from USAID cuts. They really don't mind showing the world how little they care for the down and out. Geez will even deport asylum seekers to dangerous countries, they were running from 😪. Why?
And to think. He has probably never driven himself anywhere. Always being driven by limo, hired drivers or something. Spent his time looking out the windows complaining about all the poor people.
Why are ppl allowing this orange moron the opportunity to do anything outside of the White House? Why are there not protestors everywhere he goes? If there are so many ppl upset with the orange imbecile, then the protests need to match the energy given in online posts
If he holds his head up high enough, the turkey neck smoothes out. And the wider belt is getting closer to chest level now. But we continue to question the lack of a manzere. For this kind of money, they should work harder on image shots. If he started chain smoking he could develop a barrel chest
Yep...they are Reverse Robin Hoods...stealing from the Poor to make the rich, richer! If Gluttony had a photograph, it would be this one...Thank god it is not a scratch and sniff one!
Well Jo, at least we know he's eating well! It musta been one hellava trade! Giving up the family for another drug addict son, only this one owns him! Until they are removed, we are in serious trouble. I am not a fan of the brothers bloated!
Bannon is giving Nazi salutes at his Nazi rally.
Trump has crowned himself king. Musk has a private deputised paramilitary security detail as large as Trumps. Patel now controls the FBI/Gestapo. ITS WAAAAAY WORSE THAN 11 mill on golfing. Way F’ng worse!! Stop with the cute wording and RAGE, SMASH!!
Always great to see the fat ugly syphilitic pussyassbitch trying to golf in his poopy diaper & pathetic hat… nice to see him between snorting rails & raping girls…soon enough he’ll loosen the girdle & sit down to a greasy burger with ketchup…
I agree that hypocrisy reigns supreme when Trump cuts veterans, kids cancer and other aid to poor folks while spending money on golf. Yet I support all the time Trump is on the golf course as he isn’t destroying our country while golfing
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Record Profits=Unpaid Wages&Taxes
Like this fat mother fucker needs a tax cut why so he can buy more cheese burgers I have a great idea how about giving the money to people that can't even afford to take there family to McDonald's once a month why these rich people need more money is beyond me they have more than they can spend now
Because he knows he can charge whatever he wants for rooms, food, etc and charge it to “the govt” and he profits. Why Congress has NEVER called him out on that is beyond me
….and that’s all
Assistant President Poopy Pants wants to do anyway- play (cheat at) golf and sign a bunch of delusional executive orders and show people he can spell his name
That’s why shitpants hired #leonskum: so Trump can take credit for something someone else does right and to have a scapegoat when he fucks up. It’s Dumbass 101: cover your ass and lie your ass off
Fat-ass consorting w/fat money donors looking to fatten their pockets with more taxpayer money paying for trump's personal maga-lago resort residence! Fat chance any Reps. open their closed mouths & start to put trump/musk plans on a long-term diet!
YOU got duped by MAGATS that started that shit that he was "old".
Possibly, with Musk & Trump controlling the DOJ, his "friends" continue trafficking WITHOUT fear of federal prosecution AND get paid by the US govt to do it.
Look how Republican lawmakers have flip flipped on Russia and Ukraine during Trumpism:
Is this what they wanted?
Because it's sure as SHIT not what I VOTED for! 🤮🤬🥔🍊🥔🍊🥔🍊
Trump needs to be arrested for TREASON because of his relationship with Putin!
Chef’s kiss
well past time for you to STAND UP for US! Tell your ass buddy Risch as well!
That's like a bank paying bank robbers to rob them!
get a load of the old hags
Trump has crowned himself king. Musk has a private deputised paramilitary security detail as large as Trumps. Patel now controls the FBI/Gestapo. ITS WAAAAAY WORSE THAN 11 mill on golfing. Way F’ng worse!! Stop with the cute wording and RAGE, SMASH!!
Pretty good idea where he’ll be. Whatcha waiting for?
NASCAR = $5 million
Golf = $11 million
American Airlines crash killing 70 people = priceless
The USA cannot afford Trump and his cohort of belligerent fools
1 day at NASCAR
Why aren’t you reporting on this? Cowards.
Maybe he can start with a federal chain gang
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Record Profits=Unpaid Wages&Taxes
Assistant President Poopy Pants wants to do anyway- play (cheat at) golf and sign a bunch of delusional executive orders and show people he can spell his name
God dammit, JoJo, stop making me be more in love with you!!!