Nope. No way Secret Service would allow for this. Just like they wouldn't let you get up to scream "Fight! Fight!" immidiately after getting shot (just spitballing completely random examples).
Yeah, right. He lies like Trump does. He wasn't anywhere near protesters. He's surrounded by SS, and gets around in armored vehicles. If folks were protesting around him, it must have been the staff at his VP residence.
Because he went to them and then lied about them following him, and used his 3yo to garner even more sympathy.
I'm happy to stand corrected, but he lies like all the rest of them. The truth is that even if protesters wanted to, they couldn't get near him while walking his little prop.
Yes, because he went to them, then lied about them following him to the point of scaring his 3yo.
They couldn't follow or get near him if they wanted to with his $ecurity team.
He's a lying pos.
He’s likely using her the way Elon uses his son. Hiding behind a baby to avoid accountability or for physical protection is pathetic cowardice and child abuse.
If you are separating children from their parents, you are a shit person. If you are letting children die from disease because you cut research funding, you are a shit person. I could go on. But Maga only cares about children when it directly impacts their own. Cry me a fucking river.
Surely there has to be something worse than death. I wish they all have to go on the front lines in Ukraine. No bone spur excuses. Let them show us what kind of alpha males they are, lol.
By all accounts it did actually happen. The real question is. Why is a guy with a secret service detail and pre planned security routines, "walking" his infant daughter into a pro-Ukraine protest?
Republicans aren't ashamed to use their children as human shields or political props.
Using your child like that, to get sympathy and attention by placing the child in danger after you have invented enemies for yourself, is criminal child exploitation. Revolting.
JD Vance invents enemies for himself and his family then complains about enemies. No responsibility. Always the victim. If you haven't read his book Hillbilly Elegy, he has risen to fame on victimhood.
Who among us hasn’t walked their own offspring? I mean, when she craps on the sidewalk, it’s just responsible parenting to be right there with the blue plastic bag.
It just shows that he DOES NOT interact with his children except for photos. His toddler sons eat 13 eggs for breakfast? Seriously if you can get a toddler to eat 3 bites at any meal, you’re ahead of the game!
Says the guy who’s enacting policies that literally kill three-year-old two-year-old one-year-old and even infants all around the world. Being called a shit person by JD Vance should be considered a badge of honor.
“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.” - J.D Vance.
The protesters were following jdvance, and knowing they would be following and speaking to him, or yelling if it happened, he took his 3 yo out there with him. What a shitty dad!
That's just absolute bullshit from Vance. He has a secret service detail, for himself and his family. There is no way the Secret Service detail would let them be anywhere near that. It never happened. Absolute bullshit.
That's what I wondered. Why would the Vice President take his daughter for walk to a protest? Seems to me, he's the one who was making his daughter anxious.
JD Vance complains about "shit" people scaring his daughter, so what was he when he defended the DOGE guy who said "normalize Indian hate" (his wife and kids being Indian). Is that not what a "shit person" would do?
That was exactly what I said out loud when I read it!! Your daughter isn’t a dog. That man is such a fkn moron I can’t stand it. I’d love to just knock that MF’er out. And I’m not a violent person! MAGA brings out the worst in me, but he especially makes me wanna break something.
Don’t worry, JD … once you marry her off when she’s 9 yo to a white, fat, racist 50 yo man … you won’t have to “walk” your daughter anymore and be bothered by those pesky “citizens”.
JD Vance is letting Russian soldiers kill children in Ukraine. That makes him a real shit person. Plus all the children dying because of the aid that he has stopped through USAID.
He should know all about bring a dhit perdon.
I will take things that never happened for 200, Alex. (J mean c’mon if he was out walking, so were his secret service detail)
True! Streets into, near his home, and out of his neighborhood are blocked off all weekend. You can't even get there. Unless its his own neighbors, but pretty sure that isn't possible either with the SS surrounding. It's a traffic nightmare whenever he comes home.
He is walking around without a secret service, and an unsecured crowd was able to get close enough to him and his child, AND ALSO not one person In that crowd, got a video of this whole interaction to use to humiliate him with????????
There’s a video that proves he blew this WAY out of proportion. If I come across it again I’ll try to share here. Secret service was there; there was no obvious risk. Ridiculous.
Ohhh man Jojo, can’t you post something nice for once?! The weather’s great, I’m reading a good book… and now BAM – Musk, Trump, Vance, Rubio, Putin – their faces flashing before my eyes, making me wanna puke! 🤮🤮
You're assuming he could get over the "Ick factor" to actually do the deed to create said daughter with his beard, Usha. I'm putting my money on IVF or a surrogate father.
Hey, JD Vance, using your 3 year old as cheap Secret Service protection is not a good look. Leave her home next time and get a dog if you want to "walk" something. You put her in this position.
Besides the “walks his daughter” point he also uses his daughter like an Elon Musk shield. Then the last part they can’t have constructive criticism thrown at them without playing the victim. A country run by narcissistic babies.
At least your boss Putin wasn’t dropping a 2,000 pound bomb on her. If she lived in Kiev, after trump’s reckless pro Russian actions, she might be dead, not just inconvenienced.
@jojofromjerz From WCPO 9 WATCH: Vice President JD Vance confronted protesters in Cincinnati on Saturday and discussed the war in Ukraine. Vance claims the protesters were following him, and he condemned them on social media. Watch the full video here:
Sorry JD, but: Amendment 1.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
He doesn't seem to care about other three year olds going without medical care or food and who is he to call anyone else a SHIT person. He's the VP of SHIT people.
Maybe Vance should consider how the parents and children feel in Ukraine? Where kids are kidnapped, raped and taken by the Russians? But Vance is all in for Putin. Look in the mirror Vance. You are a monster.
Maybe he's writing another book, and he's testing out the first chapter on all of us?? 😂
He could be using our "reviews" to help him with a rewrite?!? 🤣🤣🤣
How fucked up is Vance to say that knowing his buddy Putin has slaughtered many 3 years with his fucking bombs. He can tell the GD war criminal to get the fuck out of Ukraine and he won't have to worry about protesters anymore while walking his daughter.
He takes his child into a group of protesters? What kind of shit father does that? Oh yeah Vance is a Thiel guy! Thiel is a Karp guy!
Karp is a Marcel de Jong guy! Marcel de Jong links & torures kids to train LLM's for AI & puts it into Pixar's Monsters Inc! The Circle of life for crapweasel men!
He took her out in her stroller for a walk. I have no idea if he knew the protestors would be walking down that street. According to the article, they said they were just walking down the street to the rally and encountered him.
So where was the secret service? This whole thing reeks of theater. 10 to 1 we find out those “protesters” are maga, just like the fake “union” workers they hired.
Don't be like MAGA with the conspiracy theories. There was a protest that day and these people said they were walking to the protest when they encountered him.
Hiding behind children so people, whose families are fighting for their life, can't express their dissatisfaction at your ridiculous behavior, then you, JD, are the shit person. Sorry, didn't mean to leave Musk out. Using children as a human shields so people don't express their outrage? Cowards!
If you're using your 3 year old daughter to protect you from condemnation for your traitorous actions, you are a coward as well as a narcissistic sociopath.
Wonder how Ukrainians children feel when they have bombs raining down on their heads? Try some Empathy, especially when you shit talk their leader. OUR ally according to the Budapest papers we promised we would help defend. Being a liar is gonna have consequences for all of us.
And if you are cutting billions of dollars in programs that help kid regardless of who they are or what kind of job their parents have well then you a streaming piece of shit!
Just a Vance political rally post. His Secret Service would never have let the protesters close enough to cause any issues for his daughter. Go buy some more eyeliner Mr I’m a Never Trump Guy.
There is video. No one was screaming or yelling. He is unmistakably one of the most out of tune people in Ohio. He lies almost as much as trump(only because they don’t trust him to make many public statements)
No, "a shit person" is a person who faces a man who has been in a disastrous war for 3 years, whose people and country have been decimated, whose children have been abducted, and tells him he should say, "thank you."
He knows nothing about parenting. This was like when he said his kids each are 6 eggs are breakfast. It’s like he’s cosplaying as a dad, but in reality has never met a child in real life.
Then explain why they push policies that will directly harm them. 🤔 Or is it just other (liberal) people that they intend to harm so their families will be exempt when the time comes? 😤🤮🤬
You know damn well he had to break from his detail and deliberately go over and engage with the protesters or there wouldn’t have been any dialogue at all. Just heckling from a distance. 🤦🏻♀️
He's also lying, since he has a sizable Secret Service detail protecting him.
Where exactly does the VP of the USA "walk" his daughter? Because Secret Service would have to set up a whole plan if he decided to go out in the open.
Ahhh what a wonderful father you are to worry about your daughter’s feelings … all while children in Ukraine are being murdered and stolen into Russia. You don’t care about those children or their parents AT ALL. You are not the father your little girl deserves.
They weren’t chasing a 3-year-old; they were chasing Vance! He’s taking a lesson from Muskolini in using their children as human shields. Such cowardice!
Kind of hard to explain to a 3 year old that the reason the protestors were shouting was because Dad had been a real Shithead toward the Ukraine President. Next time treat a respected leader as he should be treated and people won’t be pissed at you in front of your child, JD!
Me to Vance's 3-year-old:
"Well, you see kid, your daddy is a very bad man who got his boss all riled up so he'd have an excuse to abandon one of America's friends when they needed us most and now a lot more innocent people are going to suffer and die. Also, your dad's a liar so don't trust him."
Ask the three year old cancer patients or the three year olds who have measles or the three year old Ukrainians or the three year old children whose father and mother have lost federal jobs ?
Lighten up, Francis. I’m not defending him, he’s a complete suck-up weasel, just sharing the actual video of the incident. And there are at least 3 agents surrounding him. They don’t always wear suits
Soon his daughter will realize her dad was the shit being chased because of agreeing with all the policies of the installed criminal 🍊 shit president he served with. JD Vance you are shit, wearing too much eyeliner. The damage you are doing is causing harm to other people’s daughters.
What about all the three year old that have to listen to shooting and bombs? What about the three year olds that have been injured and died?? Does he even understand that???? Does he even have any compassion???
And 3 year olds aren’t toddlers.
But nice story, bro.
Just kidding, he already knows they do that. What a hypocritical piece of sh*t.
I'm happy to stand corrected, but he lies like all the rest of them. The truth is that even if protesters wanted to, they couldn't get near him while walking his little prop.
They couldn't follow or get near him if they wanted to with his $ecurity team.
He's a lying pos.
And putin
And trump
And musk
Republicans aren't ashamed to use their children as human shields or political props.
Won't somebody think of the children? Isn't that the line they use all the time?
“These guys are weird as hell.”—Tim Walz
“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.” - J.D Vance.
Here is video
Here's the conversation Vance is referring to.
Of course he overinflated and twisted it to serve his MAGA hate filled followers with more ammunition.
Vance is a Thiel implant.
You can then more alone time with your sofa.
I will take things that never happened for 200, Alex. (J mean c’mon if he was out walking, so were his secret service detail)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
He could be using our "reviews" to help him with a rewrite?!? 🤣🤣🤣
your a shit father!!
Karp is a Marcel de Jong guy! Marcel de Jong links & torures kids to train LLM's for AI & puts it into Pixar's Monsters Inc! The Circle of life for crapweasel men!
Just say’n.
You’re a shit person!
"Sorry little girl. You're daddy is a KKKunt!" should have been what they shouted.
He just took the leash off when he saw people coming.
Now that’s a “shit” person.
Cowards to the core.
Trump is a Russian asset.
We are in a state of de facto war with Russia.
They've installed their asset into our highest office.
What will it take for the American people to wake up to this fact?
His Pope has other ideas.
Where exactly does the VP of the USA "walk" his daughter? Because Secret Service would have to set up a whole plan if he decided to go out in the open.
Not quite as he described.
See, taking weapons away and giving Putin intel will destroy Ukraine. Very diplomatic.
Couchman conveniently ignores that any ‘Russia leaves’ is appeasement.
Moral monsters.
MAGA Moral Monsters.
Your whole family goes too!
Neither of them were being 'chased.
She says she and the other protesters spontaneously passed Vance as they were headed to the nearby protest.
"No one was chasing him," Henry told WCPO.
"Well, you see kid, your daddy is a very bad man who got his boss all riled up so he'd have an excuse to abandon one of America's friends when they needed us most and now a lot more innocent people are going to suffer and die. Also, your dad's a liar so don't trust him."
Here is video of horrible attack on him and his daughter and his security