If Putin wanted to “see and end to this”, he would stop bombing Ukraine.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
TAPPER: Is it now clear that Putin is the impediment to peace?
WITKOFF: I think he has indicated that he accepts the philosophy of President Trump. I think President Putin wants to see an end to this.
(Russia continues to bomb Ukraine ... )
WITKOFF: I think he has indicated that he accepts the philosophy of President Trump. I think President Putin wants to see an end to this.
(Russia continues to bomb Ukraine ... )
TRump is not a saviour for America he wants to do a Putin and make America another country run by Oligarch.
Doesn't he know?
1-Wipe out Ukraine
2-Eliminate Zelensky
3-Make Ukraine turn back into Russia
4-Trump is making all three(3) things happen at breakneck speed.
Trump wants a piece of the pie
Ukraine wants peace
Today some people
calling themselves Americans are celebrating
"he is waging a war against the very existence of a separate Ukrainian state and nation. This...undermines the entire concept of a compromise ... no meaningful middle ground between Russian genocide and Ukrainian national survival."
That's why he wanted all those additional unrealistic terms on the proposed temporary peace.
doesn't take a brain to understand that.
A) Ours
B) Soon to be ours and
C) NATO’s fault
When we face challenging situations, our initial response is often negative.
By focusing on one positive thought each day, I cultivate stability.
With constant practice, this habit helps me stay steady, even in the toughest of times
This isn't rhetorical I want somebody to tell me why 🍊🍄 is doing this why?
Hiding the national cancer institute's research on cancer FFS
we Need the HELP here from the 🌎
2014 Kiev Coup is really what created the mess.
Putin won’t stop until someone stops him
Surely he means psychopathy.
Putin does not want peace. Trump and Putin are waging war on Ukraine
So many huge brains competing 😂
Don't expect much from our Orange Wannebe King.
That's what dipshitidiot donny says we SHOULD believe!!!
And so stands our country on the precipice of denouncing values it once held dear.
Women have been attacked. abused. and accused since time began--if the men can't fight back--move over! We got this!
Trump is a propagandist who is using every lie to manipulate his followers.