Are you fucking kidding me? 🤯 Trump's bone spurs didn't stop him from playing golf, but they did stop him from serving in Vietnam? 🙄 What a fucking joke 🦴💔 #BoneSpursAreBullshit #GolfOverGlory #TrumpTheLiar
Jojo, that is really funny.
I hate to talk about Batman and Robin that way. As I was driving and listening to Sirius radio today, I noticed I had an alert that I have a new station. Brietbart and Steve Bannon are taking the place of a station I listen to each day. Not anymore.
I hate to talk about Batman and Robin that way. As I was driving and listening to Sirius radio today, I noticed I had an alert that I have a new station. Brietbart and Steve Bannon are taking the place of a station I listen to each day. Not anymore.
* Anagram for EVIL elon musk(rat)
The French government is sending us a manual of survival to prepare for conventional and nuclear wars.
✅36th State Senate District James Andrew Malone
March 25th
✅State House District 35 state house vote for Dan Goughnour Mar 25th
Agree wholeheartedly.