I’ve a bunch of questions that I’m hoping you can help me with.
Is it just me, but is Baron looking to fashion himself after Michael Douglas as Gordon Geko in Wall Street? Or is he Fredo from the Godfather? Do they still make Palmade? Or is he using simple Vaseline?
Pretty sure the last time his son was mentioned in public, 47 basically said Barron is tall & stuck with it as if he doesn’t really know him, which wouldn’t be surprising.
Yep! I hope SNL pics it up or Jon Stewart next wk. the felon cannot string a thought together so he spews words out. (Me a 72 yr old grandma) ‘Yes he’s a tech bro I watched him coding & he does it so fast & I got a new laptop & prog & he set it up in no time’ BUT he turned it on? & repeated that?
The ‘kid’ is 19 effing years old!! My daughter at 3 was commandeering our home computer, we had to buy her one. I realize that Barron may be autistic, but that still makes him smarter than the delusional dada.
Why I believe he did… And Rump actually sounded most impressed. Maybe Melania brought some stronger genes to the gene pool. Otherwise, Baron is going to be as dim as his brothers Tiffany, and Ivanka… seem to have their wits about them.
That's what it sounded like to me. But then, most kids his age are very adept at turning on and using a laptop. Actually I'll be 74 in a couple of weeks and even I can turn on and use a laptop. Lol
I AM a genius for figuring out Microsoft moved the power off icon from the lower left bar to the lower middle.
Or was that a bored I.T. Person?
Well- it was a dick move whoever did it!
Yup! The brightest computer turner oner ever, no one has ever turned on a computer like Barron has. If only he'd been able to get a hold of Hunter's laptop! Just think what he could have done. Turn it off on off on. Like an idiot savant!
Oh please, Rob Schneider's not a star. Robert DeNiro's a star; Meryl Streep's a star. Rob Schneider is the title of The Replacement's 2006 greatest hits:
I don’t think Trump knows how to use any operating system aside from Twitter, Truth Social and whatever Telegram channels he sells his NFTs to Russian oligarchs on.
Yes, 47 is astounded because the tall son can turn on computings. People are saying, with tears in their eyes, that this tall one is so gifted. And tall.
Barron lives in hell with Mama. The horror stories this now grown person must have heard about Big Daddy has caused brain damage. BUT…he can turn on a computer. That’s minimal requirement for digital babies.
No doubt Barron Trump will follow in his father’s footsteps and pay someone to write his assignments. Speaking of Barron, I wish Melanie had been. The last thing this world needs is another total dropkick. Sorry about the French, but it’s hard to pass a precise word.
If by 'shit-for-brains' you mean VP Felon34 (you have to admit, there are a LOT of strong contenders for that title atm) well, when drinking from a glass with one hand is hard then opening/turning on a laptop must be pretty amazing.
IDK. This was posted last year and I saved it. I did not fact check it. I have heard some of his professors say out loud he was one of the worst students they encountered ever.
Actually I don’t, and I don’t use the R word. Not just because I was a special education teacher, and not just because my niece has Down Syndrome and I have another nephew with a Cognitive Impairment. I just don’t say it. I have many other accurate ways to refer to the Nazi dumbass.
I think that was supposed to say “moron” 😉
Give space for typos and errors (unless it’s a Trump supporter)
Some posters are not fluent in the English language/grammar. ☺️🌷✌🏼🪷
To be fair to Trump it sounds like Trump saw him do it. So Baron didn’t just lie & say he accomplished turning on & off the laptop like dear old dad 😂🤣😂🤣 obviously how impressed Trump was is a great indicator of how inept he is.
He's a psychpathic narcissistic magelomaniac. It's a narcissists idea of compliment and dig, at the same time. It will leave Barron seeking for the approval he'll never ever receive ...Trump himself states his relationships with his kids are transactional.
JoJo, I believe that is because he has never had a pet. I often brag about how smart my dog is because he knows it's suppertime. Same for trumps kids. VERY low bar.
Well then … my male Maine Coon is an absolute genius! He can FaceTime my grands if he pushes the right touchscreen combo and sometimes accidentally send an email !!!
Which colleges should he apply to? I’m thinking he’s Ivy League material at this point.
I don't want to turn this into a competition, but my domestic short-haired idiot is excellent at sitting on the keyboard. That's it. It's all he does is get in my way, type nonsense with his hiney, and cause me to obessively save documents.
Huh. I guess I'm winning if our metric is stupid cats... 😂
Jo, I have been following you on Twitter for a 2 years. I was stationed at McGuire AFB in Wrightstown NJ 08641 for two years. I loved being stationed between Philly and NYC. I have also loved your many incisive,penetrating,factual posts on the issues. I look forward to doing the same here.
Is it just me, but is Baron looking to fashion himself after Michael Douglas as Gordon Geko in Wall Street? Or is he Fredo from the Godfather? Do they still make Palmade? Or is he using simple Vaseline?
Barron is The Omen X on steroids.
"It's all for you Damien".
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Of course, we always knew that.
Freud would love this entire family.
ON/OFF switch
His daddy cant read.
"Shellacked shit-for-brain"
A pearl of wisdom. I think I'm gonna borrow this.
Baron's got more fight in him than Chuck Schumer.
He doesn't know how to turn it on...just like his wife.
Or was that a bored I.T. Person?
Well- it was a dick move whoever did it!
Baron’s learned a lot.
No, I meant a computer...
Elons stealing another election
"Don't You Know Who I Think I Was?"
Priorities, you know ...
No dictator, ever, stood in front of the cameras holding a piece of paper ordering his slaves to dismantle education, ever!
Not China, not Russia.
Only the Divided Christian Nazi States of America.
And you people aren't doing anything about it....!
He’s now 19 and his best friend is a far right wing podcaster nut job. Barron is on track to be just like his father.
Apples and trees and such.
Look I’m wearing an expensive pair now!”
Like the shit he says is so off the rocker nonsensical and would be funny on an SNL sketch but he’s the president of the United States 😅
This place is gonna have to bleed; MAGA doesn't get it yet.
Everybody else is doing their part & MAGA's still at the house w/their finger in their bellybutton.
When education is the enemy, and learning about the accomplishments of others, mediocrity looks amazing.
Trump is a retarded imbecile. Turning on a laptop is probably right up there with watching Jesus walk on water and turn water into wine.
That's it. End of discussion.
He his retarded.
In fact, if there was a more disrespectful word I could use to replace that, I would use that one instead.
I'm respectful when I need to be respectful, but I'm never respectful upon request.
I tiptoed around too many Christians when I was younger and got sick of not receiving the same consideration in return.
I stopped watching my words. Got tired looking around first to see who I'd offend.
Just like his felonious dad.🤦♀️
What parent has not seen their children open up a laptop from the first time that they got one?
Trump is flying under the radar because normal people look for him where everyone else is.
Then Barron tells Melonia in Slovenian “what a maroon!”
Give space for typos and errors (unless it’s a Trump supporter)
Some posters are not fluent in the English language/grammar. ☺️🌷✌🏼🪷
One example of many by Krasnov supports your observation.
Which colleges should he apply to? I’m thinking he’s Ivy League material at this point.
Get that kitty trained up and he'll be a tech wizard in no time.
Huh. I guess I'm winning if our metric is stupid cats... 😂
Please excuse me as my Star Wars loving Canadian ass steals that from you...
I have a life sized Yoda in my den!
My youngest daughter was born on May 4th!
I think we just became bff ! Lol