Canadians- what are your thoughts?
“Loblaw is committed to delivering excellent patient care and ensuring rigorous oversight of its healthcare-related services”
“Loblaw is committed to delivering excellent patient care and ensuring rigorous oversight of its healthcare-related services”
I have boycotted all of his empires for almost a year now.
Does she own a lobbying firm?
Does it represent Loblaws/Galen Weston?
Does Poilievre support privatized healthcare?
It's a conflict of interest
Get private companies out of healthcare!!!
A) access to public care, especially for society’s most vulnerable
B) competition under an increasingly monopolized market
C) what regulators must do/are doing to keep private care providers in check
If there is a path to tightening Canada’s regulations of private health care monopolies, what does that process look like?
Canadians have to organize and demand changes.
Moving to non-profit delivery and probably calling for citizens assembly on system design is needed.
Loblaw s/b broken up but won't under any of our neoliberal parties.
But the Cons & Libs would never do any of that.
So it won't happen, nor will election reform, and we're stuck with the Lib/Con duopoly forever. No wonder voting numbers keep dropping.
Tax them. Make it illegal for the super rich to transfer their wealth to tax havens.
Unfortunately we paid over $400 million for “PrescribeIT” thru Infoway to Telus.
NZ made a records system for $35 m.
We need to shift to non-profit HC delivery & change oversight for healthcare.
The wrong people are approving the money and designs, politicians seem completely absent.
We have to volunteer just a bit of time as a larger group to get ideas to turn into action for healthcare.
This email campaign may interest you:
S Korea’s health system is non-profit by law.
If we want to stop the privatization train we have to organize, volunteer and act.
Relying on politicians and voting changes nothing.
They can't even do grocery delivery competently!
In the increasingly privatized healthcare system, driven by shareholder value, not patient outcomes…
Why are we allowing this to happen?
dollars to private profits. Adding privatization will not solve the problems. Fund public care properly, pay & train the health care workers we need. No to Americanization of Canadas health care system.
Who will volunteer some time to change the direction?
Wealthy investors and CEOs are putting in time and effort lobbying while we mostly watch.
Voting won’t stop this trend
But Galen bought Lifemark-so no screening
Politicians are not looking out for what is in the general public’s best interests.
Spending on Infoway vs Progress..
Citizens assembly on for profit vs non-profit?
Check out this email campaign, it will wind down in the new year.
Canadians have to put effort into the system, not just pay taxes and hope politicians will do what’s right - they are not.
Libertarians have re-taken the world. The rest of us are fucked beyond imagination.
How many points for a knee replacement?