This is what extremism looks like. Hamas and the IRL provoked Israel knowing they would respond in this way. The goal of the provocation was as many martyrs as possible. This is precisely what Hamas/IRL wanted. And Netanyahu was foolish enough to do it.
No one thought Israel would respond in the way it has. The world expected a harsh response but not to the extreme we have witnessed. 20000 children dead, starvation, Gaza uninhabitable with no infrastructure for daily living? War crimes and a televised genocide. I don't believe anyone expected that.
Neither side is going away. Israel is here to stay and so are the Palestinian Arabs. For there to be peace, each side must accept that they must learn to live together. Israel will never be defeated; a two-state solution needs to be implemented. Until then, we have an unending conflict
Not surprised by the amount of zionists in the comments, the West babysat them for decades while giving them weapons to fuel their crimes.
One thing that brings me some comfort is that in time, they will turn on the West as is in their nature, and then we’ll see the same scenery across the ocean.
The hypocrisy of Israel exposed:
Former Israeli politician Shulamit Aloni explained that Israel always calls people “anti-Semites” when they disagree with them: it's a trick to justify everything Israel does to the Palestinians.
Israel is a colonizer, occupier & land grabber masquerading as a victim for decades. Israel created Hamas by years of injustices & atrocities. Israel is a monster; the real victims always have been the Palestinians. But Israel has rich & powerful lobby groups around the world & propaganda machine.
Former Israeli politician Shulamit Aloni explained that Israel always calls people “anti-Semites” when they disagree with them: it's a trick to justify everything Israel does to the Palestinians.
They play the victim from World War Two. Being a victim that pushed them close to genocide doesn’t give them the right to do the same and still claim antisemitism. The oppressed become the oppressors
I agree. What happened to them was horrific, but they have become monsters themselves and they continue to use the rhetoric of victimization to justify their monstrous actions.
Merkova Barak IV
I believe the fighters in Jabalia
Camp destroyed this tank
Only one of many
3 Israelis sent back to Hell
where they evidently
came from
Yet, on the off chance more bombs might pressure Hamas to rellease hostages instead of increasing the risk of killing them, let's supply more while swearing they're a justified form of defence, in case even one Hamas guy still exists, regardless of women, kids, the old or infirm - Israel: all guilty
Hamas has a goal of wiping all of the Jews off the face of the earth (that actually fits the definition of genocide), Israel is tryong to prevent being wiped off the face of the earth, which is not genocide because there are still 22 other Arab countries surrounding them.
at this point they might be, 75 years of getting bombed and blown up, and stabbed and shot at... but it does not the goal of this war. I don't understand why people can't accept that none of this would be happening if Hamas had not attacked Israel.
because we understand what the definition of genocide is and clearly you don't? How is it that you call everything else going on a war when the casualty numbers are 10 times greater, but Israel is creating a genocide? 🤔
The definition of genocide has nothing to do with casualty numbers?Keep in mind the picture,then consider this definition of genocide.
'Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part'
Gaza is uninhabitable, obliterated.
I see that you are just completely anti-Israel, and yes I'm going to say antisemitic cause you feel that Israel probably doesn't have the right to resist as the only single home in the entire world for the Jewish people. Every bit of propaganda and lie that is out there has made it into your brain.
Time to pull out your token, eh? so sweet when white folk find a token; they cling to them like that's their savior of righteousness. (there's a big hint, we don't have a hive mind, we don't all think the same. If you knew any Jewish people you would know that).
this is only one war that everybody is focused on, and it actually has the lowest combat to civilian death ratio. That can't be said for any other war that is currently happening now in the world. But people have co-opted the word genocide specifically because it was invented by Jewish people
no he's showing you a piece of Gaza, it's not all literally uninhabitable. And yes it has everything to do with population numbers, it was a word invented by the Jews because they needed something to describe the numbers of the holocaust. Don't even try and say that this is the same thing.
You are so wrong. This is the international legal definition of genocide that Israel will be assessed against. Where does it say anything about population numbers?
why did Hamas take all of the money to build them up and leave them with nothing? Why did Hamas build terror tunnels under their homes and their buildings but they don't let them stay in it for safety? Why won't Syria or Egypt let them in? 🤔 wait, Syria has refugees.. ever seen how they treated?
they are trying to make it so that they cannot get attacked ever again after 75 years of attack coming from the same place. And if you're so worried about the poor civilians, didn't you ever ask why nobody's protecting them? 🤔
genocide was coined by a Jew for the holocaust. It is meant to describe the entire destruction of an ethnicity or race. People getting killed in a war, especially when more than half of them are armed combatants is not a genocide. Israel is not trying to wipe your Palestinians off the map
oh my God are you going to quote the ICC and the UN to me next? This is how poorly informed you are.🤦🏻♀️ you have sunk yourself into an echo chamber in order to inform your brain with all of the information that fits the one narrative that you want to push. Ever heard of checking out both sides??
it also misses a few centuries of rape, murder and land theft by Turks,
but this is not an issue of course...
it has always been better to live in Turkey than in Israel, US and Europe...
more prosperity, more respect for "human rights", more abundance of all kinds of goodies...more transparency...
Well, given that's how Israelis treat Palestinians even in peace, it tracks.
I imagine at this point the US backs Israel for just two reasons.
Israel is a nuclear nation
And christofascists desperately want that end times myth to come true
Keep seeing picture after picture of cities totally destroyed like this. Assad wiping out entire thriving cities in Syria, Putin reducing city after city to rubble in Ukraine, and Israel of course doing the same in Palestine. I sure wish we had an "international rules based order" to stop it all.
Collective punishment is a war crime. America had no business in Iraq, could you imagine if someone like China decided to level Omaha because our elected President invaded Iraq?
I have seen ruins from Millenia ago better preserved then this. Fucking NAGASAKI was in better condition after the A-Bomb dropped. It is unbelievable and unforgivable how brutal Israel's campaign of destruction has been.
Please tell the world in how many of those buildings Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired rockets against Israel or engaged in combat and fired against IDF from. According to International law, Hamas turned all those buildings into war targets. All we see is due to Hamas fighting from civilian areas.
Are you actually suggesting all of them here? Because that's the only place your argument is going. How can what you are suggesting be responsible for 100% destruction?
If you cared about International Law Israel would look really different. You seem to only care about it when it comes to justifying the murder of people you think deserve to die.
According to international law, Hamas is warranted to seek liberation from their occupiers, by any means necessary! The Blue and White Nazi regime has no standing here!
I *vonfirm*? Your faith in my authority is misplaced, but thank you. I don't confirm: I merely don't contest. I imagine that for those imprisoned, killed and tortured for pleasure over 70 years, a prison break-out offered a brief feeling of triumph.
The world is full of evil people who only care about dominating others. Why? Why? Why? Let people be. There's space enough on earth for all of us to live.
When posting pictures or anything visual please don't forget to use the alt text feature. It's so others who are visually impaired are able to know what you post! It also helps those of us who have a hard time understanding chaotic images. #AltText clearifys what they are seeing. Thanks all!
One thing that brings me some comfort is that in time, they will turn on the West as is in their nature, and then we’ll see the same scenery across the ocean.
Former Israeli politician Shulamit Aloni explained that Israel always calls people “anti-Semites” when they disagree with them: it's a trick to justify everything Israel does to the Palestinians.
I believe the fighters in Jabalia
Camp destroyed this tank
Only one of many
3 Israelis sent back to Hell
where they evidently
came from
Long Live The Intifada🇯🇴
Hamas strategy was to use tunnels to travel between buildings and attack from them.
Israelis decided easiest way to stop it is blow up buildings, then locate tunnel entrances and blow up tunnels.
Tough on Gaza, but fewer casualties.
'Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part'
Gaza is uninhabitable, obliterated.
but this is not an issue of course...
it has always been better to live in Turkey than in Israel, US and Europe...
more prosperity, more respect for "human rights", more abundance of all kinds of goodies...more transparency...
Choose peace.
I imagine at this point the US backs Israel for just two reasons.
Israel is a nuclear nation
And christofascists desperately want that end times myth to come true
They didn’t have to murder and kidnap Israelis.
What a disgusting response.