Assuming you're not intentionally a transphobe, please just ditch Harry Potter. There's plenty of much, MUCH better-written fantasy made by authors who aren't absolute shit.
And if you ARE intentionally a transphobe, kindly either fuck off or educate yourself, whichever you're capable of.
And if you ARE intentionally a transphobe, kindly either fuck off or educate yourself, whichever you're capable of.
May karma deal with her and her ilk sooner rather than later.
It's got:
A good sense of humor
Growing up with the main character each book
Magic apprenticeship
Lessons on emotional intelligence
Themes of:
Social responsibility
If you want other Terry Pratchett wizard stuff that's more silly I recommend the Rincewind books! (And movies!)
The last book does get darker, as it really goes into death and grief and moving on after losing someone, but is also comforting and hopeful in the end all the same.
My guess was either the studio wants to get behind her back and piss her off OR her deliberately ruining her very own franchise si that she can weaponise it and play the victim card.
But that is absolute petty 🙄
They'll say, "They made Snape black! That's why it sucks. Not because JK is a bad writer with unoriginal ideas steeped in colonialism, racism, and transphobia!"
Spoken like the true scumbag cowards they are.
The day they don't make enough money to their opinion they'll suddenly turn their coat
(There was a bbc documentary where he talked about death and the possibility of assisted death. It may still be available on YouTube.)
However after actually like… learning what good writing is, there’s just so many weaknesses with hp
Owl house meanwhile is fantastic and I cannot believe how much it accomplishes in 2.5 seasons
Meanwhile Owl House season 2 and 3 remains possibly the greatest piece of media I’ve ever sat down and watched
It’s amazing. There’s not a bad episode from understanding willow onward
You can kinda tell when they finally have a goal for the story and start focusing towards that and the whole series just improv
As a trans guy who grew up with these books, her revealing her true colours made me really sad.
She's a horrible person. Honestly, I think it's time that we all abandon anything that's she's involved with (we already did in our house).
also ytp of harry potter is hillarious
They aren't.
We're like, 1% of the demographic. If we all stop buying it, JKR will not even notice. "Voting with your wallet" never works.
Buying or not buying staff isn't activism.
Instead, it's more important to be actively vocal about HP and JKR being bad. 'Not buying' isn't enough, we need to hurt its reputation.
happened with morbius, anyway- got memed to the point where the publisher was like "huh maybe it does have an audience...", re-released it, and it bombed again.
Definitely don't recommend these books to kids you know, don't buy them as a gift - but most importantly support trans people.
I mean, it's not like we're asking people to stop reading Good Omens or Sandman - they're great books! Just... make sure to don't give money to Gaiman doing it.
Witch Hat Atelier
Wicked (movie)
(spoiler) He does mope a LOT about how hard it is to be gay, but the prejudice he fears is rarely shown, with one exception
It's old enough that what's tropetastic now wasn't then, tho her Valdemar books did develop their own tropes
But it has to be said there's a lot of stuff that made me (gay guy) uncomfortable. There's a LOT of SA/harassment.
Fabtastic Beasts 2 might be the most boring film I've seen in a theater.
And STP wasn’t a piece of shit like JKR.
The Thomas Covenant books
The Jerusalem Man
Rivers of London series
Septimus Heap
The Abhorsen Series (Sabriel, Abhorsen, Lirael, Clariel)
Suffice to say, this won't be on in our house. My kid is fully aware of how awful JKR is too.
"Wow, this is kinda shit."
Don't mean to sound like a hipster, just an observation.
Amazing series, has everything Harry Potter has and a ton more. And if people liked Good Omens, they'll like Discworld, plus it has no Gaiman baggage. Very similar vibes, plus an explicitly pro-trans book.
- misfit main character and her two friends
- Teachers Pet who hates the misfit character and friends
- Grey haired softie Headmistress
- Hard as nails Potions Mistress who doesn't like misfit character
We had it so good when it came to fantasy movies in the 80s (I'm an 86 baby)
My take on it was "One Punch Man goes to (not endorsing JKR, but it's the easiest reference) Hogwarts."
Mash is incredibly Saitama-coded.
He's SIMPLE, not stupid. It's an important distinction.
Also he's perfectly cool with punching Slytherins and their enablers. So that's cool.
But I admit that I bounced off both. I forced myself to revise by only allowing Thomas Covenant as an alternative. And Shannara suffered because I had just come out of a Tolkien hyperfocus when I first tried it🤣
And another actor who was said to play another role in it...
I first watched him as Hamlet in the 2016 RSC production, and he was so good. I don't want him to be tainted in some way for getting involved in this.
You can enjoy your memories and what you already have, you don’t have to retroactive give that up, or throw things away
>Just stop spending more<
Folks who used to love it can appreciate the experiences they had, but don’t have to continue to fund it going forward!
I've had at least one person try and insist that you have to retroactively have always hated it, and trying to insist it doesn't hurt because everyone always hated it feels... unhelpful.
The official documents were found a few years ago. Orlando Park Stop had an article on it.
Basically, Universal pays a fee to use HP, but that fee is not impacted by tickets.
and then we had the Fantastic Beasts movies, which were ENTIRELY Rowling's brainrot, and no one liked them