Trump's DOJ has erased a report from its website that lays out its own recommendations for tackling violence against Indigenous women
...which makes me wonder how long before Trump comes up with some pretext to illegalize the internet archive.
“To erase the report is to erase the crime. To erase the crime is to erase the victims. To erase the victims is to erase the fight.”
“But the recursion cannot erase Turtle Island. Truth endures. So does resistance. Break the cycle.”
In my experience, that 30% in the mushy middle just shrug and say,”I never heard that. That wouldn’t really happen in America.”
Think anyone who is about to punch a woman says let me check the federal guidelines of if I should do this or not?
Even they are only broodmares to the guys in charge (can't really call them humans)
But it still doesn't compare.
Mind you, can you imagine what a scalp Trumpraperfelon’s hair would be? It would fetch $millions on e-bay.