The government fines the water companies, and their customers foot the bill - with a bit extra on top because they have to keep their shareholders happy with big fat dividends. It’s fucking WATER.
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I'm just glad the 'always better' 'abroad based rich people' private sector are making Royal Mail better by, checks notes, having fewer letters to deliver, increasing prices on those deliveries and getting ofcom to lower targets because they're more 'efficient'🤔 #PayingExtraForACrapperService
Political partied will look at this and shrug because this is still better for them (in their opinion) than being the ones who would put up taxes to pay for the water infrastructure even if that would be cheaper for us in the long run.
Yup. It’s daylight robbery. Or robbery while the ‘police’ (i.e. regulator) is watching without doing anything. However you look at it, it’s so morally, ethically wrong on so many levels.
Will someone in government show a back bone and take these con artists to task and tell them to f**k right off. Re-nationalise all critical infrastructure and utilities!!
To be fair, the infrastructure is all up to date, the pipe's don't leak, the waste water is all processed well and there's no pollution issues, and there's lots of new reservoirs to cope with the demand. And they definitely now haven't taken 3 weeks to even reply about them overcharging me.
If Labour was still a socialist party it would renationalise all public utilities. But now it's a pathetic, Neo-Liberal, Tory-lite party so it will do nothing and let the corporations carry on ripping everyone off.
The Tories couldn't wait to privatised everything they could. Why can't Labour "take back control' from extortionist Water Companies and (Utilities)with as much fervour ?
If there is only one resource which needs to be owned by the people of this country it's water. Air and water are needed to support life and EVERYONE has a right of access to it. A bit like air. I wouldn't trust the average shareholder or CEO with such a vital resource.
A quick calculation suggests that the UK's water companies with a total debt of about £60bn will have to pay about £8m per day to finance the interest on the debt. That's £45 per year for everyone alive in the UK. Roughly £3bn per year on interest that could be spent on infrastructure.
To put that in perspective the Thames Tideway Tunnel cost £5bn & took 8 years to build. The number of new damns built since privatisation does not match our population growth. Much of Thames Waters debt would not vanish if the company collapsed & was taken into public ownership. Much of the debt has
been structured in such a way that it will have to be paid well into the 2060's. Nationalisation of the UK's Water Companies, despite everyone assuming the opposite, would not be cheap. I wish this was more common knowledge than it is & then perhaps we could debate the real issue. The elephant in
the room is poor regulation in the past. To the best of my knowledge, with limited funds (think Brexit), there's no easy fix for any gov't, regardless of their politics. Kind regards
Efficient for the shareholders, obviously, not the citizens of the UK. I mean it’s only water, right!
Boggles my mind that the public in England tolerate these bastards
If I did, the Trump administration would send ICE.
I would be sent to a camp in Guantanamo Bay if I did have a bucket on my balcony.
Something to do with a faucet and some small fish.
Is there a way to get off this bleedin' planet?
'Welsh Water is owned by Glas Cymru a single purpose company with no shareholders and is run solely for the benefit of customers'
The same thing as Rishi's unfunded NI decreases before the last election.