The face of evil??? Oooh wait nono... Maybe Boris, of Boris and Natasha fame.... A really gross south African trying to compensate for his tiny.... Hands... The face of corruption? A criminal? A nazi? You tell me.
An unadjusted insecure juvenile with arrested development, emotionally insecure, acting like an asshole to overcompensate, and destroying America in the process.
I’m not sure I buy the Asperger’s. I suspect an antisocial personality disorder. He’s lacking empathy and conscience—not characteristic of autism spectrum disorders.
Whilst lack of empathy isn’t a universal characteristic of those afflicted with Asperger’s (Autism spectrum), some afflicted do have challenges with empathy.
As a parent of a young adult on the spectrum, who fortunately is highly empathetic, I’ve witnessed others in group settings who lack empathy
A piece of unmitigated horse shit mixed in a vat of elephant testicles with a gallon of maggots and giraffe barf. All simmered until well liquefied, then added to a vat of rancid moose flesh and kimchi.
Or simply put, a pustule.
Desperation to be accepted & respected. Self hate & doubt. He may literally have massive amounts of money, but his need to be superior & regaled as a leader is such a pathetic move - he can only be pitied. 🙄🙄
A lost autistic manchild, or childman. Arrogant because he's otherwise fragile emotionally & therefore vulnerable as a non-empathic human. He wonders why so many hate him. But why a few love him is just as much a mystery to him. He eats K like M&Ms because being alone is all he's known, or will.
Maybe he should consider growing a toothbrush mustache.
As a parent of a young adult on the spectrum, who fortunately is highly empathetic, I’ve witnessed others in group settings who lack empathy
frazzled razzle-dazzle
Did somebody belt him one?
Or simply put, a pustule.
You got a follow on that one.👏👏
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #GOPHypocrisy and #GOPLiesAboutEverything
Throw it out. It stinks up the kitchen