Carnegie was a robber baron like all the rest and only did those things so his name would be associated with good things instead of all the harm he did. No billionaire is a good billionaire!
Andrew Carnegie was my hometown hero. I spent many hours at the local Carnegie Library, for a few years I worked in one as an assistant to people who needed help to file their taxes.
George Soros, perennial punching bag for conservatives and anti-semites, already has given more than 65 percent of his net worth to charity. Can this be said of any of Trump’s billionaire donors?
Money and philanthropy, money and empathy, money and class are very different qualities, Musk has only money. He is a rather pathetic human. Just like the human he purchased.
The top income tax rate reached above 90% from 1944 through 1963, peaking in 1944, when top taxpayers paid an income tax rate of 94% on their taxable income. Starting in 1964, a period of income tax rate decline began, ending in 1987.
Carnegie only became altruistic towards the end when he became concerned about being punished in the great hereafter for all of the men killed and lives destroyed by his insatiable appetite for wealth. He was trying to buy god's forgiveness at the end.
He could've been remembered as a great man who cared about the world, the people around him. Instead, he's going to be remembered for trying to overthrow many governments, for firing people from important jobs, for taking food and medicine away from those who need it and for cutting SS and medicaid.
fElon is a wannabe at best, as he didn't create or found a damned thing; he BOUGHT companies that were already going concerns, and CLAIMED CREDIT for the work of others.
I saw the republicans tried to defend him stating that musk gave this and that many millions in donations last year. But I have yet to find out what good these donations did.
Trump and his gang of criminals are not only destroying nature and stealing from an entire nation - they are wiping out entire sections of the population.
The UN charter research was done at Carnegie’s library at Mills College in Oakland, CA. Proud alum here. Mills - the Wellsley of the West & a women’s college, closed recently. Today, our UN allies are no longer allies… I’m just sad about all of it.
That’s the difference today- a lot of the wealthy back then thought it was their duty to give back to the communities/people and the country that helped make them rich- and most today just want more with a few exceptions
This take is beyond laughable. Carnegie crushed workers, opposed unions, and built his empire on exploitation. Musk—whatever you think of him—hasn’t "cut food and medicine" to children. This is brain-dead propaganda for people who don’t Google. Historical illiteracy mixed with pure delusion.
It's what you use your money for..... good or evil.... that makes a difference
If Elon contributed a fraction of his wealth on humanitarian causes and not just to his own trust funds, to make even MORE money for himself, he would benefit humanity
Carnegie was of a different religion. He had money but he didn't worship it, like the Trump/Musk brand of capitalists.
The Maggots talk incessantly about religion, but they're fakes; they worship the almighty buck.
"Ridden out on the rails" means to be forcefully expelled from a community or town, often as a punishment, where the person is placed on a rail and carried out of the area, essentially "being run out of town on a rail"; this is an old-fashioned idiom signifying a harsh, public form of exile.
No, it will not; in his weak n fettered mind his sole purpose in life is 2 take what he wants from whomever he wants by what ever means as may be necessary in a most futile attempt to feed his demented tormented soul that is just evil, wicked and downright nasty.
Andrew Carnegie put children in factories & adults in 12 hour days on 7 day weeks for slave wages with no safety conditions & despised unions
But we can use him to attack Musk so he's our HeRo even though he shat on ALL of our principles
I don’t think anyone said he was a hero. The point was that even the robber barons of the gilded age has some redeeming qualities, whereas Muskrat definitely does not.
That’s because he has zero moral courage and zero social awareness. He does not see himself in the world. He sees himself manipulating the world from above. He has a God complex.
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
A convicted fraudster unelected co-president overloaded on ketamine with 14 children from three women, not all wives. Can't compare to this philanthropist. Leaving it here ...
Elon is a loser and a scumbag and the GOP are no better. They only take from the poor to benefit the rich and then complain about taxpayers utilizing these services we pay for, but never blink an eye when 47 wastes taxpayers dollars to go golfing every weekend, attend the Daytona 500, or Super Bowl
Perfect analogy old money didn’t really want or need to be a celebrity. New money wants to be celebrities. Same could be said for celebrities old Hollywood wanted their privacy. Newer celebrities have a need to show and tell everything.
There is a big difference between old money and new money.Old money wives didn’t work they were on the boards of charities, schools, and arts. They don’t brag about how much money they have. Don’t need attention if they donate anywhere. New money not as charitable, they need to have their egos
Stroked. Now don’t get me wrong old money may not have done things ethical or legal to make that money. At least they believed in giving. Not Elon, Trump, Bezos. Except Bezos ex-wife Mackenzie Scott. She donates billions of her wealth. Since her divorce in 2019. Over19 billion so far to non-profits
Oh Carnegie did so so much, particularly for education. He wasn't an angel but I wonder if many Americans know much about him, except Carnegie Hall. And he didn't come from privilege, very far from it. I've been to his childhood home in Dumferline. The polar opposite to Musk.
Tangential, but I'm so curious about the editorial decision that went into the wording "more than 2,509 libraries"! "More than" so rarely collocates with non-round numbers in English that I feel like there's a story in there!
Carnegie also gave New York (and the world) the glorious icon of Carnegie Hall in New York and brought culture and classical music, among many other theatrical arts, to the people of the USA over 100 years ago. It is still a highlight of his generosity for all to see.
I'm sorry to hear that, I thought he was a giver, not just a taker. Surely there must be a compromise which provides just sharing. Maybe it does exist, but doesn't attract attention. There are millions of small businesses around the world which are just and fair.
Sad really. You loose faith in humanity. Join a library that’s where I learned that little gem years ago . Went to his castle in Scotland . The doors were short and wide to accommodate him.
It doesn't make either one of them "good." You can always tell who has taken more from society than they have put back in. Just look at how much they have left over.
Regardless of their philanthropy, these assholes killed thousands in the Johnstown flood when their private dam (for their own fishing pleasure) took out an entire town.
It sucks when the good dudes turn out to be the bad dudes. Why did they waste so much of our time in grade school and high school? Oh yeah nationalism damn.
Are there any good dudes? Rhetorical, but also, any who've built and donated and contributed great things while also being wealthy and didn't take it to their grave so to speak?
Carnegie didn't do good things until he was much older than is Elon currently. No reason that Elon won't follow in Carnegie's footsteps later in his life. Story isn't over yet.
Really? Projecting future forgiveness for muskrat? wtaf. He’s a grown ass man making grown ass rich boy decisions. Don’t make excuses for him. Now or for later.
Carnegie was 60 yrs old when he established the Carnegie Institute in 1895. Elon is 53, so no, Musk like Erump will never do anything that would benefit anyone but himself, that’s what narcissists do!!!
The way the Elongated Muskrat is currently going, he'll be dead before he reaches the age Carnegie was when he started building those museums and libraries and such.
The original robber barons were a bunch of bastards, but they actually knew how to operate businesses and further the interests of the nation. The new tech barons are myopic, disconnected from reality, and don't even pretend to give a fuck about anything but getting richer.
No they didn't. The original robber barons were just as myopic and avaricious as the modern ones. You were just taught they were clever businessmen because they wrote the history books.
We literally had this post last month! Stop celebrating Carnegie and go read about how he kept wages at starvation levels, almost bankrupted a railroad, was the root cause of the Johnstown flood.
No one cares that he knew the end of life was coming and figured he might go to hell.
"Ahhhh, good times, good times! Now, what can I cut next? Social Security for everyone over 70? Cap VA medical costs per person and quit paying for medical equipment like wheelchairs?"
“Yes it s exciting! And after a long day of work ripping off money from people who really need it to survive, let me go back home to my 350 billions of wealth”
I was just talking about the philanthropy battle between Carnegie and Frick, which the people benefited from. That would NEVER happen today. They want to exterminate anyone who isn't oligarch. Cruelty is the point.
Please don't romanticize robber barons. Andrew Carnegie built his fortune on the backs of workers and polluted the air and rivers in Pittsburgh. He ruined the health of his workers, so only appropriate that he build a charity hospital. Such wealth is never healthy for a democracy.
Everything the "Musk" family touches, should be 100% boycotted! why?
Because the "Musk" family made their "Generational" wealth thru SLAVERY, and bought companies/shares or stocks ever since! And we now even pay FEES to this FAMILY!
We don't need government for that. BOYCOTT!
This family or Elon could have made the world better when they were not in office. What makes people think he will make it better now?
He could have made fresh drinking water all over the world. Instead he makes STAR-LINK another service we will become dependent on and pay a lot for.
He did being us electric cars to help save environment. And is saving those astronauts. And working to make us a multi planetary species so.we don't go instinct.
Uh here's a fun fact. The illegal immigrant Apartheid Clyde needs three times his amount to be the richest man in the world and he knows that. That's why he's looting our Treasury and SS. At best he's #3 at worst #4.
Fun fact! He did so ONLY after someone assassinated one of his fellow robber baron millionaire oligarch buddys. So his altruistic motivation had a self-preservation aspect to it.
Wow for real, I never knew. Someone needs to make a movie about this interesting change of heart and remind the world.
I still think billionaires are a sign of a corrupt system, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a rapid change of heart for one or all of these broligarchs right now.
You don’t have to defend a literal piece of shit to take down a literal piece of shit. Or are you one of those “good billionaire” Democrats who are going to cost us the midterms too?
Having THAT much money, all I can think about is all of the GOOD you could do. All the people and animals and nature you could help. What a difference you could make. What a waste…😳
Indeed. With the money he spent buying the presidency, he could have taken every poor American child out of poverty, built housing for every homeless person in America, etc. Huge stuff. And he’d have been a hero for doing it, revered for life and beyond. What a destructive ego. SMH
Bill Gates too. But those who have fought their way up to the top of the tree practising dishonourable conduct rarely feel the need to understand selflessly helping others.
But at least one of them felt a need to atone. Bill Gates, like Carnegie, was a ruthless monopolist, but he feels some sense of responsibility to use his ill-gotten gains toward a greater purpose.
I mean I'm pretty sure he builds reusable rockets to try and get us to Mars. I think he built the first profitable car coming in 100s right on American soil. I'm pretty sure he's trying to work on a way to improve the traffic problems around the country. Oh & dismantling the government!!!!!!!!
Edward Drummond Libbey, father of the American glass industry, & Florence Scott Libbey left an endowment for the Toledo Museum of Art , which he founded in 1901. They are still buying art from that original endowment. The world renowned museum is free to everyone
Let’s not forget Jack Morgan who turned his father home into a public institution and it’s now one the most beautiful museums, with probably the best collection of first edition books, and bibles, known to man. They’ve got TWO Guttenberg bibles.
Carnegie broke a strike that resulted in the death of 16 workers. So much for doing good. He was an evil man who tried to make up for it by doing good deeds late in life. Maybe Elon will also do good deeds in his old age.
I hope many families would take a minute and Watch this video . It matters . And if you go in Church and praise Jesus, you can’t be MAGA . You can’t hate this beateful freedom loving Ukraine. 🇺🇦 they need love and support.🌻💛🙏💙🌻💛💙🙏🌻💛💙🙏🌻💛💙🙏💙🌻💛🙏. From a mother and grandmother in Copenhagen Denmark 🇩🇰
Trump does not represent America or its people. America has had bad leaders before that were isolationist. It hurt the entire world. At the end of the day the American people do the right thing. Biden did the right thing for Ukraine and they survived long enough for Europe to step up.
I remember seeing all the beautiful young men smiling as they got on a bus to go to defend their country. It breaks my heart to think how many lie dead now and where will it all end?
Their legacy? Hard to say. I foresee “Trump toilet” as an idiom for things that need multiple flushes. Musk is going to crash and flare out in some weird way. Like when fireworks go seriously wrong.
Carnegie was definitely no saint, but he understood the need for education and the arts. People like Musk, Theil, and Bezos have zero interest in helping humanity in any way. Together they could solve world hunger, educate everyone, and build the biggest research facility to defeat disease.
Billions of dollars from US contracts have been given to Muskrat to inherit his wealth . All
Off of hard working Americans who pay their taxes!
He could rebuild the entire electrical grid for the US if he wanted to do some good .
I think bad genes and motherhood .
I’ve been doing my best to try to get MAGAs to wake up .. I was trying to calmly explain someone can’t be a multi billionaire if they treat their workers fair and pay taxes.. after an hour of my life I won’t get back …. I’m lucky I lost my hair in cancer battles lol
With respect, MaTT, Carnegie helped all of his life to create and maintain conditions that oppressed workers and poor people. Carnegie created by example a space for an Elon Musk in the present, and thousands off other criminals along the way.
And proud to say that this philanthropist of Scottish heritage paid for an extension to the Chambers Institute in Peebles that houses our library to this day ❤️
He could choose to feed the world, educate kids, take care of elderly, house the homeless… instead he chooses vanity projects like endless exploding rockets insisting we need to get to mars…🙄
Not the best example
“Carnegie was the founder of the Eugenics Record Office, and for more than 30 years thereafter, Carnegie researchers helped to lead the eugenics movement, with the expressed support of America’s mainstream scientific community.”
Andrew Carnegie was an American born self-made Billionaire,wasn't given Billions of dollars of tax payer funds to his businesses.Elon Musk a South African from the Aparthied era applied to Stanford on a student visa started his business career illegally.
Alt-text: Andrew Carnegie, once the richest man in the world, built museums, universities, and more than 2,509 libraries. Elon Musk cuts food and medicine to impoverished children.
See how simple Andrew Carnegie and his wife were buried together in this Celtic cross tombstone in Sleepy Hollow, NY while visiting there. It said a lot how they chose this as they’d rather money to be spent for philanthropic purposes rather than fancy mausoleum.
Not that those are not great public works but it does show the ENORMOUS disparity between the rich and the poor in this countries history. Capitalism is by it's very nature corrupt and promotes the idea that society is ONLY built by those who own it rather than on the backs of those who built it.
Carnegie also ONLY did so because he knew he would be remembered for being a Robber Baron and wanted a good legacy. It doesn't mean he was for the average person he fought against wages and Unions and workers rights same as Musk. Musk is just so morally corrupt that he's ok killing kids for profit.
❗️Record Profits = Unpaid Wages❗️
Vote Republicans Out and Replace them with Democrats.
🩵Vote Blue in every election, up & down the ballot.
That man was also awful. No robber baron was good. They literally gunned down workers that tried to unionize. None of the wealthy elite are worth our respect. They’ve always killed workers one way or another.
What do you mean? I read his biography. Yes he’s much more educated than me and he knows better that those ppl were greedy, evil & violent. No one should be permitted to whitewash the history of US capitalism. It’s evil and is directly responsible for this fascism.
Oh I meant the original poster’s bio. 100% what you said before you deleted it! Evil people who would throw a few pennies to us after they did everything in their power to murder us to enrich themselves.
Exactly! And we have! Our libraries are paid for by the tax dollars of average Americans. Wealthy Americans pay no taxes. Why do just let this happen? Why aren’t we hitting the streets and scaring the shit out of the govt and the wealthy? We are told to be selfish, to only care abt our own.
Anyone who thinks Carnegie was a saint needs to realize that he knew what kind of man Henry Clay Frick was. Frick was his enforcer. imho a lot of Carnegie’s philanthropy was him trying to get people to forget what Frick and the pinkerton’s did
They were all murderous. They would kill to keep their wealth and power. Those are exactly the kind of people capitalism creates. Those are the people that get ahead and become millionaires and billionaires. They must be destroyed.
Because even during the Gilded Age the Robber Barons didn’t personally seize control of the government. This just proves how necessary Socialism is. Capitalism always leads to crony and monopoly capitalism which will put fascists into power as soon as anyone questions them. Ta da! The US!
The billionaires and our government should be afraid of us. In France they are bc the French will shut the whole country down just to save 1 national holiday. Americans won’t even hit the streets when actual fascists are taking over the government. We need to teach them to fear us.
I’m sorry I grew up in a union family I know any benefit or pay we receive was fought dearly for and often paid for in blood. To deny that is to deny history. Unions built this country and this country needs more unions. These ppl don’t care abt us. They’d let us starve. They did in the past.
100% this! They didn’t pick themselves up by their bootstraps or fight thru poverty to become rich. The VAST majority were born rich. We have an aristocracy who thinks they are better than the rest of us. And now we have nepo baby as our king. We need to tear it all down and bring them to justice
The point I take from this is it used to be a social contract that we expected the rich to have charitable foundations, build museums, fund the arts & orphans etc, even if they were horrible people. Now our society is such that it's not even expected & those rich who steal fr the poor are admired.
That is true - now they oppress us and do nothing for society at all. The rich now are absolute trash. They aren’t more educated or refined they are just better connected. They still would kill us to increase their profits. They must be destroyed.
They were murders. Read about Eugene Debs or Mother Jones. American workers had to wage an actual war to get any rights at all. FDR helped to make unionization legal and much easier. But Republicans have chipped away at collective bargaining rights from the day they were guaranteed. Evil.
Oh, I'm very aware; great-grandpa Corbett was one of the leaders of coal miner unionization- and he "violently disagreed" with police/sheriffs/hired thugs multiple times, and lived to tell the tale- often to their widows. (There's also rumors I have a few 2nd cousins from those telling visits.)
He was a hero. His name should be remembered in history - not some millionaire’s or industrialist’s names should be taught to our children. People who fought for our rights belong in those history books.
At the bare minimum, tis the middle name- and his story (at least these parts of it) is one of the (manu?)scripts I'm tinkering on, so maybe some day...
But make no mistake, I am a union man (was walking picket lines when I was three). Just teasing on the "literally" part ;-)
My pedantism was in the Robber Barons "literally" gunning down workers/strikers... I don't recall hear about Rockefeller, Carnegie, Gould, Morgan, etc strapping on a piece and going down to the local picket line and shooting people- they told others to "get it done", but didn't do it themselves.
There is no difference. You hire someone to kill someone you are a murder. They probably hired people to wipe their asses. They never did anything themselves. That only makes them more repulsive.
Carnegie was no angel - by any means - but at least he tried to atone a bit and was truly convinced that freely available knowledge was important regardless
This meme cannot be overstated! The rich had some concept of morals back in the day. Mainly due to that level of capitalism at the time, but morals nonetheless.
Yeah, but if you mistreat those kids in just the right way, and give them someone to hate, well now you've got some voters in your corner. Hell, it's always worked this way, it's just way more controllable with social media and algorithms. A few men with an unprecedented amount of influence.
Carnegie sent a private militia of 300 pinkertons to break a strike of 6,000 workers in Homestead, PA. This action killed 8 workers and wounded 11. Musk is a wannabe Carnegie, but he has yet to match Carnegie's avarice.
Rich people are douches and can't spread their wealth effectively. They are cancer.
What a greedy POS.
Let that sink in.
That’s a kind of generational wealth that built this nation by contributing to it in a substantial way.
The top income tax rate reached above 90% from 1944 through 1963, peaking in 1944, when top taxpayers paid an income tax rate of 94% on their taxable income. Starting in 1964, a period of income tax rate decline began, ending in 1987.
He's a NOTHING, just like #traitortrump.
How the character of wealthy people has been down graded
Make it so.
It's what you use your money for..... good or evil.... that makes a difference
If Elon contributed a fraction of his wealth on humanitarian causes and not just to his own trust funds, to make even MORE money for himself, he would benefit humanity
What will be Musk's legacy be: the man who talked of the stars but gave mud?
The Maggots talk incessantly about religion, but they're fakes; they worship the almighty buck.
"Ridden out on the rails" means to be forcefully expelled from a community or town, often as a punishment, where the person is placed on a rail and carried out of the area, essentially "being run out of town on a rail"; this is an old-fashioned idiom signifying a harsh, public form of exile.
Me: I dunno. What about the filthy rich pay their fair share since they are benefiting from the system?
E: Oh look how much we spend on transgendered mice!
Me: That’s transgenic mice.
E: Have you seen my spreadsheet?!?!
Me: 🙄
But we can use him to attack Musk so he's our HeRo even though he shat on ALL of our principles
Look everyone! It's the semi monthly Selling Of Souls!
No one cares that he knew the end of life was coming and figured he might go to hell.
He didn’t earn or invent anything. He just bought them.
Elon Musk = Entitlement! 🤬
Because the "Musk" family made their "Generational" wealth thru SLAVERY, and bought companies/shares or stocks ever since! And we now even pay FEES to this FAMILY!
We don't need government for that. BOYCOTT!
He could have made fresh drinking water all over the world. Instead he makes STAR-LINK another service we will become dependent on and pay a lot for.
Appreciate the good they do, but don’t ignore/forget/excuse their reasons for doing it.
I still think billionaires are a sign of a corrupt system, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a rapid change of heart for one or all of these broligarchs right now.
His Green Card Has Expired. Send Elon Musk Back To Africa. ASAP
I have checked in with Françoise Bettencourt Meyers, to see if she can handle building her share of places.
Or you know, just give away all that L'Oreal empire money.
Off of hard working Americans who pay their taxes!
He could rebuild the entire electrical grid for the US if he wanted to do some good .
I think bad genes and motherhood .,and%20a%20champion%20of%20labor.
“Carnegie was the founder of the Eugenics Record Office, and for more than 30 years thereafter, Carnegie researchers helped to lead the eugenics movement, with the expressed support of America’s mainstream scientific community.”
❗️Record Profits = Unpaid Wages❗️
Vote Republicans Out and Replace them with Democrats.
🩵Vote Blue in every election, up & down the ballot.
Oh come now, if we're not going to pedantic on the interwebz, where shall it be?
But make no mistake, I am a union man (was walking picket lines when I was three). Just teasing on the "literally" part ;-)