2 years. Start the work now to win all of the ~33 seats (could be out here) in the senate and win the house. Still too long considering the last 9 days but if the ground and community work isn’t started it will not be successful.
Well, in the history of the USA. The reason why the rest of us can tell you Americans "we told you so" is because the rest of us already had to learn this lesson the hard way.
I saw gay marriage is next for the chopping block 😒 I hope every last LGBTQIA person who voted against our best interests are really fucking satisfied with themselves right now
But he wouldn't do that, he has a Gay man on his cabinet team. And who wants to be married and have all the rights of marriage in case one of us is rushed into the ER so we can legally be back there with them? The ones that say that makes me so pissed because that shows they aren't truly in love.
The backing of the military. Which has been insulted and abused by the current White House resident, and through its intelligence arm knew the president was compromised back in 2017. So it's a remote possibility still.
Although with Fox “News” and “News” Nation, I’m afraid the cult will never get it. Any hardships they suffer will be spun as how it’s the Dem’s and liberals that did it.
Because the Dems won't fight back. Hold rallys! Yell that the GOP holds all the levers of power and are dismantling government. Instead we get pablum that we need bipartisanship or going 'Isn't this terrible'.
Fight the fuck back!
The recent Democratic party lets the Republicans define them and defer hitting back for the sake of propriety. Call the GOP what they are: A bunch of cowardly racists who are stealing money and the future from the middle class to prop up billionaires.
🤣🤣🤣🤣You thought that you were hurting Kamala Harris. SHE warned All of you. Racist America, Karma got all of you.In Texas they are building homes for the January 6th rioters, they may be able to house you.🤣🤣🤣🤣
I didn't want to know that... in what universe do Jan 6th rioters become heros of the "republic"? We don't even build homes for Medal of Honor recipients...
There will be at least 3 special congressional elections to elect members of congress .....Trump appointed 3 GOP congresspersons to his administration.
Dems must win all 3......Then Dems would control Congress, and the purse.
General labor strike. Park on the freeways. Camping in the medians. Set up stages for public speakers. A real strike indefinite until he leaves office and takes his entire cabinet with him.
I hope Jesus doesn't forgive a single person who voted for him, because of all the suffering of innocents caused by evangelical preacher endorsement of him.
His voters are responsible for suffering of the most vulnerable. A "go directly to Hell" kind of offense in their theology.
If by some miracle we get the government back, we need to stop making the same mistake and vanquish the enemy completely. Cut them off at the knees at every avenue of power they used to seize the country.
Make the billionaires worst fear real. Take their money, property and stocks.
How long till my fellow Americans decided that we are the strongest human beings to exist. This is an enemy. ENEMY. Treat this as an invasion. That’s what this is. Ladies and gentlemen this is your time to prove your patriotism. Seriously. Don’t let what’s happening slip. Any of it.
Last week they thought it was so funny to say Gulf of ‘Merica. This week, they’re enraged that social security is being called an entitlement by Sen. Ron Johnson(R-WI).
There's an * to that. Rome eventually became the Christian Church. They puppeteered Europe & the US for 1500 years so far. While the church split into independent entities, the function is still the same.
Take over the government by consecrating the leaders. It's OK when it's obvious.
Yeah, but I think after we get that out of the way, we need to adopt them for our cause. Anybody who’s willing to admit that they barfed up the kool aid has some value.
We always assumed/mythologized/LitFic’ed it would be some ‘Evil Genius’ that ended up burning ‘World’ to bedrock just to prove they could.
Idiots/Incompetents/Defectives/Azzholes. And THEY? Aren’t really AWARE… Of ANYTHING.
Now when I look at all that, I see someone who got to be a leader despite incompetence but who had a lot of resources and smart people working for them.
We can describe it pretty easily. Putting wants, not needs, before the very lives of strangers. A willingness to make other suffer, for your own gains. Do unto others so they can never do unto you.
It never occurred to you that the neurodull would band together and elect one of their own?
Or that the wealthy are so evil that they'd buy all of the media to amp up racism and divide the country so they could finally assume the thrown with one of their more easily manipulated peers?
The NeuroDull were checked by intelligence or admiration of same.
The Wealthy? At one time were WELL AWARE of societies disdain, however mild, and many tended towards… Concealing overt Wealth (Bill Gates in blue jeans). Seems no longer the case
So the blame should go directly to the pro Palestine, free Gaza, vote for Jill Stein, Trump or no one, abandon Harris, hurt the Dems crowd in other words the faux leftist aka the closeted MAGAs.
The truly indoctrinated and ignorant will never accept it, for them the next grand conspiracy will replace reality once he is undeniably exposed. The ones who regret or will regret, will have people eager to help convert, they will hide among everyone else. Just leaving us to survive it. No winners.
Yup. Not our lesson to learn or teach, just our burden to survive. Be it the churn, or that 80 year cycle theory or just plain old social evolution, we're on a fuck of a ride. Buckle up tight and don't forget your towel!
A good summary of what we see. Also, some people are very smart, some people are very unintelligent and then some of us are just nimble thinkers. We adjusted as new facts presented. Maybe we also are extra suspicious. In addition to actually caring about all people, not just family/friends.
Now is the time to mobilize, stop giving our hard earned money to mega-maga corporations! Cancel subscriptions, deactivate accounts, shop locally! We work hard for our money, unlike those scumbag billionaires! Don't let them take it from us!
This isn’t the time to say I told you so, because we all know he lies about everything and thinking he didn’t lie about winning the election is just stupidity. This is the time to fight the fuck back before you get rounded up to be in the next group to be in executed. Or just say told you so.
If it wasn't for children suffering I'd jump on the FAFO bandwagon too.
The cruelty of this administration is happening quicker than expected. This, I'm happy for because we WILL take back congress in 2 years and impeach the sob again!
They have plans to make sure the next election isn't fair, which ofc relies on voting role purges, and expanding laws against protest and speech to make blue voters DQed as felons.
Write "be the Luigi you want to see in the world" on social media? Felony and lose voting rights.
If only those of us with brains and hearts who didn’t vote for it didn’t have to suffer too. I really wish we could have 2 Americas. One blue, the other red. Let them wallow in their ignorance and hate. Leave the rest of us alone. 😞
You are aware that we already have that. It's called "Cities" where people live, and "Country".
Country lives in states where they have 1/10th the number of people as Los Angeles county, but still get 2 Senators with 2M people or less. And California gets the same 2 Senators with 40M people.
As painful as it is, my wife and I remain news junkies. We must be to stand a chance of averting the coming onslaught of humanity. However, we have made an improvement. Each day starts by making a latte for my wife and a black coffee for me. We then choose a vinyl LP and listen to classical music.
So, have fun! And stay the fuck out of Canada!
The backing of the military. Which has been insulted and abused by the current White House resident, and through its intelligence arm knew the president was compromised back in 2017. So it's a remote possibility still.
Fight the fuck back!
Dems must win all 3......Then Dems would control Congress, and the purse.
Start now....nominate our best and win damn it.
His voters are responsible for suffering of the most vulnerable. A "go directly to Hell" kind of offense in their theology.
Make the billionaires worst fear real. Take their money, property and stocks.
I hope you are too. 💙
That, there, is VALUABLE Real Estate… He’d prob have the WHOLE statue renovated into ‘Luxury’ (Read: Substandard) Condo’s.
I wish I never had.
Take over the government by consecrating the leaders. It's OK when it's obvious.
Idiots/Incompetents/Defectives/Azzholes. And THEY? Aren’t really AWARE… Of ANYTHING.
… While, STILL, some can’t see it coming.
Any bond villain. Money.
Any mythology villain. Gods or Magic.
And was any villain in the bible "smart"?
And are comic book villains "smart"?
Suppose we derive our view on the Nature of ‘True Evil’ from som like this.
It can come from anywhere/anyone, for any REASON, BE anything, is often unexpected and inexplicable.
Really no defining it. We can barely agree on how to DESCRIBE it.
It… Just… IS.
Variations on that theme. In short, selfishness = evil.
He really IS NOT, anything LIKE, a Smart Man.
I mean, I can almost RESPECT, ‘Evil *GENIUS*. THIS ain’t it.
It took A LOT of People, TIME, & Effort, to get to THIS Place.
Bitterly disappointing.
We SHUD kno how to DO… BETTER.
Or that the wealthy are so evil that they'd buy all of the media to amp up racism and divide the country so they could finally assume the thrown with one of their more easily manipulated peers?
The NeuroDull were checked by intelligence or admiration of same.
The Wealthy? At one time were WELL AWARE of societies disdain, however mild, and many tended towards… Concealing overt Wealth (Bill Gates in blue jeans). Seems no longer the case
It's really disturbing! Yes!
The cruelty of this administration is happening quicker than expected. This, I'm happy for because we WILL take back congress in 2 years and impeach the sob again!
Write "be the Luigi you want to see in the world" on social media? Felony and lose voting rights.
We must take it back!
Country lives in states where they have 1/10th the number of people as Los Angeles county, but still get 2 Senators with 2M people or less. And California gets the same 2 Senators with 40M people.
I'm watching Meidas on Youtube - it's really good.