Yeah, I wish that FV I bought first hadn't died. FVs are cool. But it pushed me to go ahead and get the Gothic F I really wanted, so, it all worked out.
My fiance just bought a special camera to do this. Are you planning out two images that go together or are you taking a bunch in an area and letting random chance find cool compositions?
yeah, half frame just means that each exposure is half of the 35mm frame, and so to do these diptychs you have to plan ahead a little and think about what you want on the “full frame,” so to speak
I like how you composed them, the cars and the person crossing the street, and the truck and the person on the bike, conveys the different speeds and mass of people and traffic in a city. Very neat stuff.
Curious abt the mechanical side (knowing nothing about cameras other than "light-hit-plastic machine go brrrrrr")-- does this involve manually 'gating' first left then right for two different shots? And is gating out left half of viewfinder going to yield left half of developed shot b/c mirroring?
not nearly that complicated. it works exactly like a normal SLR, except that it advances half a frame at a time, and only exposes half a frame at time, instead of a full frame.
Makes me think they are album covers for some reason
(Seriously those are lovely)