This is one of the cases conservatives swear don’t really exist - a non-viable pregnancy causing fatal complications for the mother, where abortion is lifesaving medical care. That we now have several examples of this happening in the wake of Dobbs is a shame SCOTUS should never be able to shake.
Except they do acknowledge these cases exist. "Paxton celebrated a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that allowed Texas to ignore federal guidance requiring doctors to provide abortions that are needed to stabilize emergency patients.
People really need to stop going along with their “if it’s a religious belief we can’t challenge it” BS because all of this goes back to their belief that women need to be punished with subjugation, pain, and death because of Eve’s “original sin” and so dying in childbirth is the natural order.
Yeah, “freedom of religion” ought to also mean we aren’t forced to abide by the whims of some radical gigachurch somewhere five states away that we aren’t even members of, but since said gigachurch pastors are ludicrously rich from donations & embedded in the fed govt, that ain’t the case. 😞
Yeah, I realized that when I read the story, though it's still on SCOTUS since they let SB8 take effect.
I read a story years ago that I can't find now bc google is broken about how abortion care was more restricted than required by Roe due to hospital policy. It's been deadly and now is worse.
If HRC had been able to appoint 3 judges maybe this would’ve had a different outcome (IDK given that it is TX). But ppl need to realize there are consequences to their protest votes and it is usually paid by someone else
2/ Husband of OB/GYN here. She feels blessed not to have to make the hard choices that physicians in TX (and elsewhere) must make. And she would never ever consider practicing in a state that forced her to treat patients in distress this way.
I believe they should be, but I also think they should lie awake nights thinking of the pain and suffering this woman went through before she died of a preventable infection.
Easy. She's a woman, and women aren't people. At least to the New American Nazi Party. On top of that, she appears to be a woman of color, which makes her even less of a person to them.
The only people the New American Nazi Party care about are straight, white, Christian men.
And this is only being reported now, 3 years after her death. Women can die of abortion bans without the public even knowing.
(Texas banned abortion even before Roe was reversed, allowed by the ultra-conservative 5th Circuit Court of Appeals)
I don’t get what is happening over there. It’s against the Hippocratic oath, what all of those doctors who didn’t act when they should have done - that should come before what any politician has decreed, the patient’s safety and wellbeing comes first. How has it come to this?
The Hippocratic oath is symbolic. 99 years in prison is pretty concrete. That said, I am disappointed that there hasn’t been even one doctor anywhere willing to sacrifice their future to help us all, who would let themselves be charged with murder in the hopes of a transformative court case.
Is there no association of doctors in USA? We have British Medical Association, I just thought that if doctors could en mass work according to their principles, with some professional backup, it might add some weight? Doctors must feel awful about it, 1 doctor moving across state for goodness sake
So there's a saying that you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride. Defending themselves in the US criminal system would be ruinous. It is almost certainly baked into the cake by those so hard up for these laws.
Which court is deciding this transformative court case? Separately, if I were providing arguably illegal abortions, I might keep quiet about it and also ask my (alive) patient to do the same, so that I could keep doing it, which is also valuable.
Oh, absolutely. I meant that there are very real reasons why doctors are not publicly defying these laws in the ways that I personally dream of them doing. But I’m not sure saving lives quietly is an option in a hospital, where you are surrounded by potential snitches.
The hospital should be sued, the staff involved sanctioned & lose their ability to offer medical care. And the politicians should be tarred & feathered with a law forbidding medical care to them. Please, please vote these fuckers out of office.
I get the anger, but the doctors deserve a little grace. "Losing their ability to offer medical care" is likely what would have happened to them if they had given her the care she needed and the state decided that it violated the law. They're caught between a rock and a hard place.
According to the article, nobody's been prosecuted for "aiding and abetting" an abortion yet. So risk it. Set up a fucking gofundme. Use your judgment. FUCKING LIE ON HER CHART. Save her life.
And it's not just a question of the state charging doctors. Hospitals aren't generally going to look too fondly on doctors performing procedures they haven't approved, so an abortion against the hospital's policies could still result in bad shit happening to the doctor.
We all want to think we'd be the first to step in and do the right thing, but it's not that easy. We don't know that until we're in the situation. He could get fired or have his license revoked, in which case there are other patients he wouldn't be able to help.
Those Dr.'s and the staff knew Ms. Barnica could die, and through their inaction, at some point knew she was dying. Grace? Condemnation and prosecution are warranted.
AMA has no regulatory authority nor power to initiate a criminal prosecution. It’s a trade group.
The problem here is Texas law, and arguably physicians’ unwillingness to risk a murder charge as civil disobedience. They were acting in compliance with Texas law.
As a retired obgyn, I can't help but place some responsibility on these physicians. If they wouldn't save her life they needed to get her to a place that would. "Epidemics, Book I, of the Hippocratic school: "Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help or do not harm the patient".
Transfer does not necessarily mean abortion. These women are aborting, bleeding, infected. If the Texas docs won't observe the patient and provide treatment (give blood, antibiotics, etc) while she loses her pregnancy they need to transfer her.
'This is a major victory,' Paxton said."
I read a story years ago that I can't find now bc google is broken about how abortion care was more restricted than required by Roe due to hospital policy. It's been deadly and now is worse.
If HRC had been able to appoint 3 judges maybe this would’ve had a different outcome (IDK given that it is TX). But ppl need to realize there are consequences to their protest votes and it is usually paid by someone else
a) put in situations where offering standard of care can get them prosecuted,
b) they choose malpractice rather than take even a small legal risk.
c) or the hospitals enforce malpractice.
Plenty of blame to go around.
The only people the New American Nazi Party care about are straight, white, Christian men.
Motherfulkers, God gave us doctors for this shit
(Texas banned abortion even before Roe was reversed, allowed by the ultra-conservative 5th Circuit Court of Appeals)
And it's not just a question of the state charging doctors. Hospitals aren't generally going to look too fondly on doctors performing procedures they haven't approved, so an abortion against the hospital's policies could still result in bad shit happening to the doctor.
The problem here is Texas law, and arguably physicians’ unwillingness to risk a murder charge as civil disobedience. They were acting in compliance with Texas law.
The problem is the law is evil.
May she rest in peace.