19th century is an incredible period in history with enormous technological and social change in every corner of the globe. It came at a horrifying price that is still being paid today. At least this gives me hope for the labor movement.
Given that he knows so little about American History, it's interesting that he gravitated towards the period of corporate greed and monopoly capitalism. It's almost like Fakebook, Tik Tok and X algorithms landed him there.
Excellent. Nostalgia is misremembering. That's why people love the world of their childhoods. And of half-forgotten dreams. 19th century America fits the bill for a nation that has committed itself to exceptionalism and ignorance.
This is definitely Gilded Age 2.0. Nativism, billionaires’ political reach - this time they’re IN the White House, anti-union, anti-regulation & we are back to the government being a tool of big business. Can we also mention quack medicine here too? 19th century had lots of quacks and we have RFK.
Excellent explanation of the mindset of Trump. That final statement though, an indictment of the Democratic Party in not having anyone to articulate well enough the vision for a positive-sum populist outcome for American society.
I have a hard time accepting that these things are Trump‘s. Trump is not an intelligent man. There is something more behind the scenes, pulling the strings, putting these thoughts and ideas in his head that inspires him to act this way I want an investigation of those individuals who they are.
It’s an interesting coincidence that Trump’s agenda of speed running Gilded Age federal policy is benefitting from a highly polarized political environment that most closely mirrors that same time period
My feeling is that Trump is following the US far right's obsession with rolling back the New Deal that's been ticking over since the introduction of the New Deal. I mean, his 2nd administration is basically the final victory of the Business Plot in 1933. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot
Excellent stuff. For both those in the US and us were close allies until today these are frightening times. In the UK we have the appalling Farage who views himself as the first Governor of the state of Britain.
Are we ready for a DJT Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation after we invade Greenland?
Will he promise to "uplift, civilize and Christianize the Greenlanders"? Or will he say he took it because he wanted it and he could.