if they don’t attend, it becomes a Trump rally. Trump will fill those seats with supporters. if they attend and then leave at the beginning, the seats will be half empty.
Counter program it in every district with the current & future victims of the lawless admin (AA controllers, Park Rangers, kids, people on SS) and say you’re protesting your colleagues refusal refusal to defend the constitution and equal branches of government.
I don't think turning your backs or walking out or not showing up does anything but give MAGA what they want. When Nancy Pelosi tore his speech in half the first time around, all I heard from them was how disrespectful she was, how terrible the left is, that it was a stupid move, etc. Be smart.
No stunts, solidarity. Wearing Ukraine's colors is a silent but impactful gesture. Maybe you even get a Republican to do so. (Not holding my breath on that one).
Unless he literally praises Russia as an ally or something. Will you have a copy ahead of time? If you decide to do a grand gesture, do it all together & hold a press conference out front instead of the normal response. Explain why this war will impact us if Russia wins. Keep it simple, one speaker.
That was my first response. But the GOP will fill the seats with more reptilian goons. Maybe better to show up and then all walk out at once (leaving only Fetterman etc)
Yes, but sitting there, pretending things are normal and just staying silent, won’t work either. Maybe don’t show up then. If they want to be alone in this world, let them be.
I think conceding the ground to the GOP by not attending is not a great idea. I would say attend and scream “you lie” . But that’s not going to help either. 🙃🙃
This is the correct answer. His base will just get riled up if Dem’s disrupt. They should stage an alternative state of the union at the same time in front of the Lincoln memorial. Don’t even recognize Trump’s fascist speech
Do not attend. Hold an alternative State of the Union address at the same time explaining the concrete steps Dems are taking to stop this madness (if there are any)
Time for shadow cabinet.
Daily messaging.
No cooperation on anything.
Counter program it in every district with the current & future victims of the lawless admin (AA controllers, Park Rangers, kids, people on SS) and say you’re protesting your colleagues refusal refusal to defend the constitution and equal branches of government.