And with 7 you have a tough as nails (but also thoughtful) captain who is smart like an engineer and who you'd want as your leader in dire straits when outnumbered with low resources...
And a chance to join the "mile high assimilation club" with the other ;)
Seat 9. “Computer deactivate emergency medical hologram.” Now I have a window seat. Sorry Doc, as much as I enjoy your company, you don’t need that seat. I’ll reactivate you in case of a medical emergency.
I sit between Sisko and Picard (3). Be the buffer in case Sisko wants to go full Liam Shaw on Jean-Luc. (Lwaxana would eat me alive if I sat near her).
but with 6 you have the only captain who might be higher principled than Picard, AND also the #1 best storyteller in the series...
And a chance to join the "mile high assimilation club" with the other ;)
The rest are no-gos
because window seat and quark.
Who would not want to chat with Dr Sam Beckett.
But you know Quark, in the seat in front, would be looking back at you the whole trip trying to get your money in some crazy investment. 😁
10 seems good, but sitting next to broccoli scares me😅
Yeah, 2.
Good point.
Can you imagine the level of unexpected foul humor that's going to come out of that combo? I won't even need to watch videos.
This would likely be totally different.