“And, importantly, how those costs will affect the bottom line. Will these attacks result in higher premiums, in contrast to the implied wishes of such attackers?”
Healthcare top executives: "Hey, if you want me to keep killing people with the blessings of Congress, I'm going to need a raise, top-level security, and an armored car. The peasants are starting to get unruly."
This event has made us wonder why the powers that be has made the victim a saint, offered $60k as a reward for the assailant while ignoring the fact that companies like this are a degradation to the welfare of the people.
The CEO shooter expressed frustration with the healthcare system and had problems after a botched back surgery. Here's why we're blaming the shooting on the video game, Among Us.
Talk about being totally decoupled from reality.
For the record; This country was founded upon overthrowing the CEO of the British East India Trading company.
Considering his sudden, unexpected, and permanent removal as CEO had no substantial impact on the stock price, maybe CEO compensation should be reconsidered.
Wonderful illustration of how, if consequences aren't born personally, they do not lead to altered behaviour. Why are the companies paying for their protection? Because otherwise those CEOs wouldn't dare do the things they do "for the company". The hypocrisy of "capitalism" runs deep.
Meanwhile, the former prime minister of Switzerland can have a beer with a foreign news group at a gun festival, surrounded by citizens carrying firearms (unloaded, as they are not idiots), enjoying a drink with no security.
US Military with Billions of dollars couldn't defeat well-motivated cave-dwellers with nothing to lose. No amount of spending on defense will be enough to stop a single determined individual. They make more of them every day. Fuck 'em...this is the other choice.
Is irony dead? I think it might be dead. Or maybe just seriously wounded. What is so mind-bending for me is how obtuse they are. Don't they read their own stuff?
Hmm... You know guys, I'm just not sure... Why DO we have to surround CEOs with armed guards? Obviously, there's no reason anyone would want them [unalived], right? 🤔
Opinion|Trump has said he will lower cost for security services for CEO’s by giving more tax breaks to corporations and cutting entitlements. Why this is pro-working class governing.
My non-American upbringing is showing.
Switch to universal coverage.
For the record; This country was founded upon overthrowing the CEO of the British East India Trading company.
Vast difference in priorities.
Life has become more satirical than satire.
d-d-d-free insurance plan.
To prevent them from turning attentat on their object
By Rupert Murdoch