Hollywood, under the direction (demand) of Voigt and Stallone, are now working on a WWII film called Glorious Bastards and a remake of Raiders where it’s Indiana Jones’ face that melts off.
It has been confirmed by US intelligence that Trump ally Putin gave the orders to blow up 4 apartment blocks in Buynaksk Russia 1999 to false flag his attack against the Chechens
He murdered over 300 innocent Russians and injured a further 1,000 to create the perfect pretext.
This was one of the real paradoxes of Das Boot, the only movie I can think of where the Nazis are not the bad guys. They’re not the good guys, I guess, they’re just the people we’re watching.
Two movies about grunts in the Wehrmacht on the Eastern front are definitely anti-nazi but also shows the despair of being a drafteee for a fascist war machine: Stalingrad (1993, Joseph Vilsmaier) and Cross of Iron (1977, Sam Peckinpah).
I get parody, but this is the type of red meat that's thrown, like paper towel role to desperate Puerto Ricans, and will surely be repeated from the Whitehouse podium.
I would doubt it.
Ignorance doesn’t erase history. The Holocaust happened. It was the singular worst human catastrophe in modern history. We are so good at hurting one another. And killing one another. And then in Don-boy’s way, pretend that whatever happened was their fault. They did it.
Because the Texas education system is so large, they actually get to dictate to textbook publishers what to include. If Texas blackballs a publisher, it can lead to enormous losses.
She does have a little bit of a point in that always using the same nationalies/ethnicities as villains in fiction is lazy and can reinforce harmful stereotypes. That said, it could hardly be clearer Russia is the villain in this particular conflict.
Oh, god….😞
Where, pray tell, are the space lasers, when we need them?
Like, specifically, at an rnc party…or MAL when all of those fascists are present??!?! 😡
It has been confirmed by US intelligence that Trump ally Putin gave the orders to blow up 4 apartment blocks in Buynaksk Russia 1999 to false flag his attack against the Chechens
He murdered over 300 innocent Russians and injured a further 1,000 to create the perfect pretext.
Conniving little autocrat.
12:00 - Indiana Jones and The Nazis Who Just Want To Break Everything To Fix It...
unless you don't recognize crystal skull.
A little preview
Ignorance doesn’t erase history. The Holocaust happened. It was the singular worst human catastrophe in modern history. We are so good at hurting one another. And killing one another. And then in Don-boy’s way, pretend that whatever happened was their fault. They did it.
Where, pray tell, are the space lasers, when we need them?
Like, specifically, at an rnc party…or MAL when all of those fascists are present??!?! 😡