In my self-defense classes I focus on how most people are socially conditioned to follow the norms of a civilized, polite society — and there is a MENTAL SHIFT required to use violence to defend from violence.
I'm reminded of this while watching our elected officials dithering and delaying. 1/
I'm reminded of this while watching our elected officials dithering and delaying. 1/
But I do think sheer shock paralysis could account for a lot here. So many people in the Capitol still can't seem to imagine anything othera mildly crap presidency.
let them hear. 🙏🏾
You'd feel better. ❣️
I can't vouch for this take heartily enough. It's spot-on.
What would work, though?
It is inherently moral to string up fascists and make public examples of them.
Inglorious basterds style. Put that symbol on their head and kick em outa the safe political jobs theyve been hogging. Tell em: with that mark on your head, get a job now. And broadcast it all.
Dumbest question in the world. I said "uh, yeah?" The look 1/
Only time I've pressed charges. Wildly under 2/
For reference, I was installing a fence on his property and he threatened me, so I said "fuck this" and tried to leave. Fuck that guy. /end
Our neighborhood partially burned in the Eaton Fire. It was so great to have text chains w people adding useful advice, or sharing their experience. Others helped people who needed it clean up ... so many leaves. We were a tighter group years ago; "seeing" our new folks pitch in 😄
But, for the present, someone suggested they take a small group of members—WITH THE PRESS—to the floor where Elon has installed beds & made a bid for King.
I.E., make aggressive, public NOISE about it!
As long as we acknowledge it won't change any MAGA voter's or elected's minds, or expect the autocrats to change their goals and methods
They love watching the powerless struggle against them
I haven't conceded anything by acknowledging how sadism works.
including a few powerful voices
are starting to say
"Hold on, this isn't what we wanted!"
so far the leopards keep
biting and chewing
but there a few resentful
voices now that
the consequences
are hitting them
They should surrou d the OMP building and let no one in or out and starve those mfers camping there there out.
Literally anything. Schumer too busy blathering on about AI, which is fucking insanity.
My observations over the years, especially now, convinced me that elected Dems can't or won't do what needs done.
You can't demand that people give you what they are obviously incapable of giving. Leadership. Courage. Revolution. It's not coming from DC.
They start by crossing a small boundary, like approaching you on the street and then standing too close. They observe how you react. 2/
It wasn’t necessarily intentional on my part, but I sensed dude’s vibes and have never been easily intimidated.
But many people will freeze or go along, not wanting to violate the norms of polite behavior.
A predator will note this lack of pushback and then escalate. 3/
The predator is testing how far they can push their potential victim before getting pushback.
The predator is trying to figure out "Can I get away with this?" 4/
They've concluded, correctly, that the Democrats are incapable of making the mental shift required to do what's necessary to defend themselves. 5/
Wish we could edit.
By the time the victim makes the required mental shift, it's too late. The predator has already maneuvered them into a disadvantaged position. 6/
After the "Brooks Brothers Riot", Democratic leadership not only acquiesced to a judicial coup, those leaders pleaded on TV to pacify a population who were ready for mass disobedience. 7/
The genteel Dems and the mob infused Republicans…
I really wanted to believe Biden was going to do something last minute to protect the Republic, but no, he’s a gentleman.
We are at the precipice now. Once we cross the Rubicon, there is no return.
The danger is real but the sacrifice is worth saving our nation and its people from a catastrophic dismantling of our very foundation.
our choices are limited by design.
It applies to everyone. Thank you.
We are at the precipice now. Once we cross the Rubicon, there is no return.
The danger is real but the sacrifice is worth saving our nation and its people from a catastrophic dismantling of our very foundation.
No problem making that walk ever again
I stand with you.🙏🏾
It matches my experience preparing people to give evidence in court against sex offenders who abused them, supporting partners to set boundaries on abusive exes to protect themselves & their kids.
This is the conversation, the reflection each of /11
Right now, we need to remember that we’re dealing with literal SA/CSA offenders in charge — starting at the head with DT himself. /10
This redefining of our parameters for right conduct has to happen, if we are to develop bigger ‘mats’ better suited to guide our responses to sociopath-sized mats. /9
We must break free of that /8
Our current situation involves our very survival, each & every one of us.
We cannot wring our hands & do nothing because our usual mat prohibits us from behaving differently.
People like DT & his ilk have sociopath-size mats. /7
Situational ethics requires looking at complexity and increasing the range of options available beyond the usual black & white, either/or rules. If we don’t make the shift, we will be ‘hoist by our own petard’ - /6
Once we grant ourselves that permission, we can start to think about what a bigger mat for us would look like. We can consider taking /5
In effect, they use our self-imposed restraints against us to further their purposes and expand their reach.
I suggest that at these times, people with smaller mats need to give them /4
When someone has a larger ‘mat’, they permit themselves a much wider array of behaviours that would either not occur to us (on the smaller mat) or that we would not allow ourselves. They have a different view of what’s acceptable, permissible - required, even. They knowingly /3
In my trauma therapy practice, I use the analogy of a pile of mats of different sizes, smaller on top to larger at the base.
The ‘mat’ represents the parameters of what a person considers to be ‘acceptable and required conduct’ for them. Beyond that is forbidden /2
Over the next 2 years, the Dem politicians will have no power except that of the microphone. We need to lionize the ones who correctly respond to the threat and alienate the capitulators.
We are at the precipice now. Once we cross the Rubicon, there is no return.
The danger is real but the sacrifice is worth saving our nation and its people from a catastrophic dismantling of our very foundation.
Could you please publish it in its entirety somewhere?
We all need to understand this!!
Biden considered himself a member of a political aristocracy, and protected the insurrection because he felt a tighter bond with the aristocracy than with the American people. That's how aristocracies work
The aristocracy relied on crime
We kept voting them in, entrenching the aristocracy until they all but died in their chairs in Congress
The Criminal Interview was with us
Not sure how that helps here...but, they are counting on politeness, sanity and fear to rule us.
but also one of the draw backs is that I don't freeze
It’s aggressive and unexpected, it demonstrates you are quite ready to violate social norms yourself.
They may beat you.
They may kill you.
but you can maim or wound them - and they will usually not attack unless they can be unscathed, so they will find another victim.
Perhaps americans should remind them to feel in danger.
...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
I am not sure I want to live in that world, but a FF actually wrote that.
Former 1st responder to SA/ CSA, now trauma therapist. Same.
Just so you got the full tone of my appreciation. 😈
Working with survivors of SA & CSA, I work to get them to identify, access, & cultivate the part in them that stands for: “Don’t fuck with me, or anyone I care about. If you try, all bets are OFF.” It’s a very tactical, still place that’s totally focused on survival. Deadly!
yeah, i know what you mean . . like for 12 years!
Interesting which things have changed and which things have remained the same
But you raise a good point on the lead up to violence and I think I need to look into that part more.
I thinker you're righter than you are wronger.