There is a palpable anger and skepticism toward corporate media, and many have turned to smaller publications or individual creators whom they feel they can trust, writes. What can traditional publishers do to win people back? writes. What can traditional publishers do to win people back?
Stop sane-washing; stop both-sidesism; stop talking about a ruthless power-grabber as though he's simply participating in norms.
But that NYC article on "spiraling crime" does undercut your credibility as an organization. The very thing this article discusses!
Dr Rosen is a good guy. And although zero people will agree and bash me for it here, journalism both takes and is a discipline. It’s important to remember now with the new admin, that people who work in this much maligned profession are going to be under personal attack.
Why stay on Joe Biden's age and never mention trump's with the same ferocity? Why not talk about Biden/Harris successes & goals or WHY they couldn't meet them? People don't even fully know how Congress works, ffs!
Dark money is investing journalism next- and it’s showing.
(See Dark Money by Jane Mayer)
6 people own 90% of media. We will get their filter one way or another. And that is the filter of the oligarch.
2. Don't side with CEOs of healthcare companies against little people.
3. Fact check rather than give us "Both-sides-ism."
That is if you live that long. Trump is going to sue the living hell out of you