Donald Trump rose to power by stoking fears of scarcity. The liberal response should be to embrace the politics of abundance—but liberals first need to get out of their own way, Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson argue.
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The only thing liberals are good at is making excuses for why they can’t be progressive. Every time a “progressive” policy (usually pre-approved by their corporate owners or AIPAC) is proposed they end up cowering to the Republican obstructionist and using that as an excuse why they can’t pass it.
Donald Trump rose to political prominence by pushing birtherism, providing dumb white trash with the pretense of a rational reason to oppose a black president.
STEP UP what is wrong with you? How dare you steadfastedly refuse to do your jobs?
Folks like Ezra spend more time trying to come up with new big words to say than doing anything meaningful journalistically.
Trump is Bubba's Binky.
That's it. That's the whole shtick.
Trump ran on racism.
Racism has been a gop plank for over 50 years.
The gop runs on fear, grievance and white supremacy.
I rather live in CA or NYC than in Mississippi or Alabama or Texas.
The jebus freaks never produced much except jebus freaks.
Get fuct.