Going off of this I'm now curious on what folks feelings toward Alcohol/Weed during trrpg play sessions?
Going full frat party, a little treat, not allowed or some variation of the three?
I know I've had some games have to stop because folks went to into their cups or over Imbibing
Going full frat party, a little treat, not allowed or some variation of the three?
I know I've had some games have to stop because folks went to into their cups or over Imbibing
Reposted from
Vulpes Zer-Duh🏳️🌈🇵🇸
At your ttrpg table what is your feeling about food or drinks?
Are yall all chowing down to a full meal? Do ya prefer to keep it to snacks and a drink or do you prefer to keep the table clear?
I'd love to hear yalls reasons as to why?
Are yall all chowing down to a full meal? Do ya prefer to keep it to snacks and a drink or do you prefer to keep the table clear?
I'd love to hear yalls reasons as to why?
Most of the players drink, mostly beer. I'm an annoying craft beer ponce. Half vape (including me). No smoking inside the house though.
Players arrive and almost always bring food since most don't have time for proper dinner before heading over.
It's kinda half RPG session, half table picnic.
I prefer snacks with whatever beverage but to avoid meals every time. A meal now and then *shrug*, but all the time is too much.
With alcohol/weed, I'm open to it but don't want it to make anyone uncomfortable or unable to participate.
I enjoy a good cider while playing myself
I do enjoy ciders as my drinks of choice. Beers can be good as well but I honestly needed to drink more water
With online games or games I participate at at other peoples places I prefer it if the drinking is limited to a beer or glass of wine, full in getting drunk I’d leave
I personally don't mind folks having a joint before game but ask them not to smoke during game both for the smoke & because I have adverse reactions to it. I do enjoy a drink or two when playing but need to be safe
Can't have smoking at the table because I'm asthmatic, but I'm usually playing online now anyway.
A few beers is a normal thing for us culturally, but if the table says that ONE person won't drink, the rest doesn't drink as well.
Mainly to support our friends, as some had problems with booze.
Solidarity and care after all
I wrote in beers for the relation. But generally it's more on the "thinner" side so it's generally just sparkling water scented with wine.
99% of my gaming I was a minor, so getting drunk wasn't going on with me there. After though.... Eh? Never ran into a problem. Nobody ever gets stupid on anything.
It was hillarious.
So surprise lighting up would be a no go for me
In part its just sensible.
In part its from personal experience of a table where one guy would get drunk every session, sometimes turning up late and drunk, was regularly abusive, usually towards me as a woman, and the others let him.
Has happened with alcohol too. I enjoy a drink but in measures for sure
Who wants to risk prosecution for being in charge of a player character while unfit through drink? 😉
Every session, for nigh on a year.
The abusive guy was in the 2010s, and its hard not to stereotype him.