Particularly for Christian students starting religious studies:
The character of "Satan," a single malevolent entity, doesn't appear in Hebrew Bible, because that concept didn't exist in the near east until at least a century after the Septuagint translation into Greek.
The character of "Satan," a single malevolent entity, doesn't appear in Hebrew Bible, because that concept didn't exist in the near east until at least a century after the Septuagint translation into Greek.
Reposted from
Ryan Cordell
What’s something that’s a banal observation in your field, but which really blows students’ minds the 1st time they encounter it?
I’ll go 1st—when we talk about how technological history gets narrated & I say "no human being has ever lived in a historical period—they’ve only lived in the present"
I’ll go 1st—when we talk about how technological history gets narrated & I say "no human being has ever lived in a historical period—they’ve only lived in the present"
Speculation without any backing.
Goddamn near everything in American History is about racism. Every "why is it that way?" question you want to ask, I can probably say "it's because someone was being racist." Not just big things.
It's why we have butter pecan ice cream. It's why we call video game bad guys "boss."
It then makes the jump back to America in the form of Kung Fu movies, which had a massive Black audience.
Since this is one of the places Black and White urban youth were sharing space, it enters broader culture.
More on that here:
Butter pecan was allowed.
(That's what I remember, but I could be wrong.)
This in spite of Black people inventing both the American version of ice cream (James Hemmings) and the process by which vanilla plants could be hand-polinated and thus profitable (Edmond Albius).
Slave-owners would throw all the most expensive ingredients into one thing and make it a Southern staple. the South?
Expensive tea?
Expensive sugar?
"Oooh, opportunity to show how rich we are, let's drink some sweet, sweet, sweet, ice cold gold."
In the same way that Coca-Cola created the modern Santa.
Might I ask you for a lead or site to read up on that?
Dates are uncertain, but the Florence baptistry's mosaic of devils tormenting the damned and Satan gnawing three souls at once seems to have been installed during Dante's boyhood.
He's prosecuting Job for YHVH.