Tulsi Gabbard in charge of US Intelligence.
A Fox News anchor in charge of US Defence.
Could someone remind me of what the "shared values" Australia apparently has with the US that mean we must keep this "enduring friendship" at all costs?
A Fox News anchor in charge of US Defence.
Could someone remind me of what the "shared values" Australia apparently has with the US that mean we must keep this "enduring friendship" at all costs?
Yet, we disowned that MF a long time ago.
Its just that the politicians didn’t do the same.
I get not all Americans, but then also one could say not all Chinese or any other nationality
Capitalist greed is the all-conquering shared-value that unites AUKUS.
Pass it on
I wish people would stop thinking it has anything to do with "values". Nations have "interests" not "friends".
And even we don't have shared values with the government that's about to come into power here.
Local and European values withered and died under the nightly gush of US propaganda.
Like adoring younger siblings, we tagged along to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine.
Poor fella, my country!
I guess Jeffrey Epstein was not available.
We share NO values with the Failed States of America.
Rita Panahi
Paul Murray
Andrew Bolt
Rowen Dean
Caleb Bond
and many more. Exciting I know 😵💫 💩
Oh, and a special position for Gina (you can use my Private Jet to attend my Birthday party) Reinhart.
That shared value?
Trump’s loose lips will sink our ships.