Sadly I doubt it. He’ll die of poor health long before the consequences fall. And then the question becomes who has he anointed to be the next leader, and what will it take to oust them.
History demonstrates that once dictators become entrenched, they cannot be removed without violence.
I have a Jewish lesbian friend who voted for him. I've known her since she was toddler, 50+ years ago. I unfriended her on all social media platforms as I have done to any and all Trump supporters who were once in my circle.
Oops! Of course they blame whomever they feel is responsible. They dare look in a mirror to see the #Truth. Of course. they wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped them in the face. It’s always the blame game with Magat’s. If they ever had an independent thought thrown at them, they couldn’t catch it
Who could have possibly known or forseen this??!!! /S
I always like to remind people that there was a group of jewish men voting for Hitler and the NSDAP, because they thought they would be spared. They thought since they were useful and had money they would be the exception to the hate. Guess what
So stupid to play into the wedge issue game that's destroyed virtually every group on the left and split them into pieces. There's enough shit in common we can focus on to organize and have numbers without throwing this garbage out there. Aren't we divided enough?
The issue plays into the terrorist attack on Israeli civilians by the people of Gaza, their hostages, etc. It's a giant wedge issue that has destroyed the cohesiveness of left focused groups. (i.e. see the recent election). Focus on common goals, tolerance, equality, rule of law, etc.
🤣 Before the vote a reporter went to a latino owned store. He was very pro Trump. He said he had family that were undocumented but they haven't broken the law so Trump won't go after them. I could only think, "Of course Trump will go after them and you too!" People are so stupid.
The cult doesn’t see the correlation. I found this out the first time. They are totally incapable of rational or independent thought. As long as it doesn’t affect them no fucks given. I hope they begin to feel the pain they caused others. Soon.
"CNN reported Packer has a criminal history in Virginia, which included three convictions for driving under the influence and one felony conviction for forging public records." IMO, he is a sickko.
Have no fear. Be patient.
History demonstrates that once dictators become entrenched, they cannot be removed without violence.
I always like to remind people that there was a group of jewish men voting for Hitler and the NSDAP, because they thought they would be spared. They thought since they were useful and had money they would be the exception to the hate. Guess what
Where he lives and stores his nazi shit
And beats his 2 nd cousin he is dating