worst part about norse mythology is how we only have 2 sources on it, and both are sketchy reliability at best, given they were catholic priests writing it down some centuries later.
there that's my lecture on norse mythology, you're welcome
not priest, as was pointed out, but politician after catholic influences had arrived in iceland, Iam sorry, i was incredibly tired and shouldn't have posted at 3am
All the weird and wonderful “Celtic” (read: Irish and Welsh) mythological tales were written down (read: redacted / expanded / conflated / created) by Christians who were just as enchanted by fantasy & sci fi as we are. @neilhimself.neilgaiman.com
He wasn’t a priest, though he wrote after Christian influence came to Iceland. There is some arguments that have been made that the mythology he wrote about then was his reinterpretation of pagan myths through that lens. I’m not an expert though on the matter, so I don’t know how true that is.
Unless there’s something that I missed. I admit, I only have passing familiarity on this particular subject. I just love myths and have picked up certain fragments of discourse during my literary adventures.
I'm convinced that people get more spacey as they age because we have SO MUCH MORE to remember.
there that's my lecture on norse mythology, you're welcome
Can we chalk this up to it being 3 am at the time, and me being very tired?
Not sure why I guess, but that surprises me. From what I've seen it seems to come so naturally to you.