I'm doing a reading (well, lots of readings and answers to questions) tonight in Boston, at the Colonial Theater. This is your reminder that there's COVID around (I've had 2 family members go down with it in the last 2 weeks) & nobody will mind if you come masked or wear a mask, least of all me.
Is it allowed to say that I deaply like you for all that sweetness, kindness and these moments you provide ?
I’m French, probably too much expensive ; )
Net win
But I wouldn't ask anyone to forgo a mask for that.
I know it should be common sense, but...well...here we are.
I hope to make some dates soon.
You won't believe your ears.😉👂
Should you make it out to the Pacific Northwest I will be going as a Plague Doctor with the beak stuffed full of peppermint I've grown just for the purpose.
If I don't mask and I end up wrecked by COVID, that's on me. But anyone I infect is on me too.
It's a shame you can't control that side of things.
You’ve got so much good will in your fanbase, spread the word & people might comply 🤞🏼
Much family stuff to deal with, but it’s good to know that cultural life here in the Athens of America is humming along.
I give all my public talks masked and everyone seems to be cool with it