I haven't been very interested in the new Star Warses, despite being a mega-fan as a kid. You know what would get me back instantly?
Giant poster. Rebel pilot facing away from camera. Space. Big yellow letters:
Giant poster. Rebel pilot facing away from camera. Space. Big yellow letters:
"Somehow (hidden for spoilers) came back".
No notice, no build up, just "we need a villian so I've just put names in this bag, let's pick one"..
[automiscorrect keeps changing botch to bitch. Same difference, but the goal is if you stop using thousands of words they can type for us and all phrases will use the same 800 stock words (they say stick words, yup same)]
But WOW to The Mandalorian.
Sooooo pleasantly surprised.
And as a 50 year old I was HUGELY AGAINST "BABY YODA".
Like, ready to boycott star wars level shit.
That's what it is.
You got me.
"smarty the smart guy"
I'm a suUper hot 50 year old that EVERYONE falls in love with soOo, yeah.
If that wasn’t enough, he digitally painted Porkins’ face on all his ships, and put little pictures of Biggs and Porkins in their respective cockpits.