I see you haven't met the Pizza pepper. It's bred to be perfect on pizza and by god does it do the job. I grow it every year and when it's fruiting, it's pizza season.
Lame: Insulting people about how much capsaicin is on their food. Cool: Insulting people about how many ions are on their food. "Oh, using some NaCl there? Loser. Don't you know Na2S has twice the Na+? Guess your ethnic group can't handle real salt."
for certain dishes i'm right there with you. but dried bird's eye chilies are irreplaceable to me. in a sophie's choice situation i'd have to let go of the poblano, with a tear in my eye (from picking at a stray eyelash before washing my hands properly). hopefully it won't come to that.
Since I started becoming more aware of pepper varieties, the two that have stood out to me the most are the poblano and the scotch bonnet. Both just incredibly flavorful!
The next was Alpine Poblano from Adaptive Seeds (don't seem to have it now) spicier than some and grows nicely in my Canadian season.