Took my grandkids and 1st sonic game till now I'm a real fan. Movies getting better with new tech advances. It was funny too my grandkids wondered why I laughed at the nes jokes. Papa what's funny about blowing on usb drive? Lol
Glad to see some sense remains - the freaking Guardian, which is a big newspaper here in the UK, said *Jim Carrey* was "cartoonish" and labelled that a downside?? And gave it two stars??
Ah, yes, JIM CARREY playing a VIDEO GAME CHARACTER named ROBOTNIK who is obsessed with a BLUE ALIEN HEDGEHOG that runs faster than the speed of sound. I expect only the most subtle and distinguished acting.
There's been far more hits than misses from the Sonic franchise but early 2010s YouTube poisoned the narrative for the series. Yes 06, Boom, and the gimmicky Wii games were bad. Not much else reached that level of awful.
my recent gaming experiences: the "X Shadow" part of Generations that came out was decent but small, Frontiers was fine, but very full of empty space, with some awkward forced 2D mechanics, but Superstars multiplayer mode is possibly deserving of the moniker "unplayable"
The more time goes on, the more I agree with the theory that the whole character design debacle from the first film was in fact intentional engagement.
My kids (14&11) absolutely loved it. They were hugging each other and geeking out during the post credits scene. It was wonderful to see their pure joy.
Huh. I haven’t been paying enough attention to know there are now 3 Sonic movies. Had I made different life choices, I could have been hired on to direct one & fired a month into shooting after auteuring the fuck outta it.
I never expect it to be bad, because I usually still enjoy it at first. Only one my opinion has changed mostly over is Sonic '06 (Note: I haven't played any of the Boom games, but I'm sure I still wouldn't hate them. Free Riders, I haven't, but probably would hate ngl lol)
Episode 1? Home Alone 3?
(But I've also never bought into games media's "anything below an 80% score is unplayable garbage" mindset.)
It's a damn good trilogy.