In the green room on CSPAN and this Republican is already talking about “teaching bears how to fish” to justify cutting people off of food assistance.
The GOP coded guest is eating it up. And I just have to sit here off camera stewing.
The GOP coded guest is eating it up. And I just have to sit here off camera stewing.
“No you fucking commie we’re abolishing education.”
Because your suffering is a perk, not a liability
I want to see that.
Your blood pressure❤️
How to say your an elitist pos without actually saying it.
No matter how lazy and shitty they are, how stupid and mean, they have a job by virtue of their connections. Conservatives never have to be good at things.
Seems smarter to send the bear to tech school to learn a trade.
Ferguson, James. 2015. “Give a Man a Fish: From Patriarchal Productionism to the Revalorization of Distribution.” In Give a Man a Fish. United States: Duke University Press., pp. 35-62. [Just ask, and I’ll send the pdf]
They live in fantasy.
Bears can't fish on concrete
People aren't bears
Open session after you... and people raging because..uh
Because you said the law says people can't be discriminated against because - law
And that it was white men who said we won't hire anyone unless you make us
And that's bad??