I’ve arrived at a similar conclusion over the last few years myself. A properly functioning state has no need for it and should not use it, but deposed tyrants get the wall.
I mean we can have more robust and established revolutionary tribunals too, if we have a large case load.
My own unusual opinion is that if the death penalty isn't banned outright (my first choice), then executions should be public. Televised, even. No closed doors to hide behind.
This may be public defender heresy, but I tend to agree. I have a far lower moral objection to spasms of vengeance compared to members of the legal profession trying to gussy up their vengeance with intellectual trappings.
I don't think you are too far off though! My opinion has been that it should be illegal, but states that chose to keep it legal should be required to do it via firing squad aired to the public so we are honest with the vulgarity of it all
My own unusual opinion is that if the death penalty isn't banned outright (my first choice), then executions should be public. Televised, even. No closed doors to hide behind.
The death penalty should only be given for treason and political corruption, but it *and it especially* must be given after a trial in a court of law
Read Han Fei!