Pokémon Legends Arceus is what caused me to create one of the projects I am most proud of, which has carried over to SV and will undoubtedly Z-A and Gen 10: the Serebii Interactive Maps.
I am so proud of that project. It's what I always wanted to do with Pokéarth
I am so proud of that project. It's what I always wanted to do with Pokéarth
There wasn't a better resource than it
you were sitting on the biggest pile of gold and did absolutely nothing
i lie awake at night wondering why you didnt do it
Salary: 3000 to 7000 CAD per month
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Your layout needs an update. The side bar categories honestly should each be hub pages, and swapped with the quick links section at the top just to clean it up a bit.
Like PalWorld. PalWorld is what open-world Pokemon should have been. What it can be. Model a game in a mix of those styles, and you can have ALL my money.
I may have fallen victim to hype and propoganda there.
Still. Give me an Arceus game in a TotK style. Forget PalWorld. I was wrong there.
A great and easy to use database.