The principles of A Land for All provide a new pathway for Palestinians & Israelis alike:
· Democracy for all
· Freedom of movement for all
· Sovereignty to all
· A homeland for all
· Justice for all
· Jerusalem for all
· A confederate for all
· Security for all
· Democracy for all
· Freedom of movement for all
· Sovereignty to all
· A homeland for all
· Justice for all
· Jerusalem for all
· A confederate for all
· Security for all
For well over a century, Palestinians have been tortured, abused, killed, and pushed off of their land without a way to defend themselves against the military might provided by the UK, US, and other world leaders. It's never been a fair fight for them.
Please put some of your money where your mouth is.
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line.”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
Get rid of Bebe too.
He is a dictator.
Where have I heard that before ? 🤔
And it's very interesting to see how many spokespersons Hamas has among the far left. Everyone's repeating their lies.
Thank you!
It took me decades to reach this point. I've been working on this since the Bus 300 affair.
White Americans are fueling this conflict for selfish reasons.
The nazis trained you well
You don't reason with a rabid animal, you put it down.
The Bibas brothers were choked to death in Gaza, according to the IDF medical examiners.
I would love to see that.
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line.”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
Problem is though that the racist state called Israel isn't willing to become multi-ethnic in any meaningful way.
Zionists don't want any other state than majority Jewish state.
In any other context such an attitude would be identified with pure racism.
2. And to call Palestinian resistance to their ethnic cleansing and torture by Israel "terrorist" is a moral abomination.
Your screws are loose.,justice%20in%201999%20on%20a%20temporary%20appointment).
Please tell me what a Muslim citizen of Israel cannot do in Israel?
High ranking military officers, 10-20% of the parliament members, ministers, supreme court judges.
Sounds like the one making stupid statements is you.
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line.”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
I believe there are some answers in Rwanda, between Tutsis and Hutus.
there's a simple solution; settlers should return to the land of their origin.
I suspect many would rather not return to origin.
Jabotinsky and Meir Kahane also just wanted to hug the Palestinians, right? Clown
The Palestinians who are 3rd class citizens or the ones who get shat on by the occupation?
Netanyahu is a symptom, not a cause of their racist & supremicist society
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line.”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
C’est plus facile pour nous Français qui apprenons la littérature classique des 16 ans, la philosophie dès 17 ans, qui avons l’esprit critique dans notre sang, le sens de la protestation dans le cœur … enfin, pour le moment …
How do I know you are spending money properly? How do I know you're even doing enough?
Therefore there won’t be.
Widow of Apple chief Steve Jobs, Laurene Powell Jobs, is a confidante of Harris.
And with 756 billionaires in the USA, odds say there are many other examples.
... for decades ive been saying, writing & getting banned from socials that: The Only way forward to Lasting Peace is One State, no border, Full Democracy and Strong Constitutional Protections for Everyone regardless of ethnicity
Balfour said a Jewish homeland IN Palestine, not INSTEAD of
You can't make peace with people who want to kill you. When the Arabs care for their children more than their desire to kill Jews, you'll see peace... They murder babies by hand and use their civilians as human shields. 🤦🤦🤦🤦
But not under an occupied apartheid regime
Demolishing homes grabbing land for settlers (terrorists) will not bring you peace
Read the message by Ta Nehisi Coates
Or a day in the life of abed Salma by Nathan thrall
Then tell me you don’t think there is apartheid
This is why they won’t leave their native land like when they were forced out before.
The native Palestinians had a treaty in 1995 to have West Bank & Gaza,& to govern themselves.
Netanyahu broke that treaty
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
Each sovereign state should be able to determine who and how many people freely travel within their respective territories.
Patel may get through, thanks Mitch. We need 2 more to vote no. They don’t have it, yet.
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line.”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
To co-exist, respect differences, and realize we stronger united than Divided (much like D vs R)
The PLO as apartheid rules against Jews, they have no elections for over 17 years, Jews are not allowed to enter.
The Palestinians don’t want a state they want to destroy Israel.
It doesn’t bother anyone that Saudi Arabia or Germany has the same laws for Germans or some state in the US are literally asking for your church’s membership.
Only Israel has to be held for this scrutiny
There is ZERO restriction on were an Arab can live in Israel. If anything the limits are for Jews
The idiotic claim about the cameras in the pooling station is also a lie it was in both Jewish cities and Arab, they put it were a lot of fraud
Instead of feeding from such BS lies, I suggest you come to Israel see for yourself on the ground the reality.
I don’t need a stupid article to tell me the reality I live in.
Many Americans are waking up. Please stop the lies.
Hmm…sounds like “separate but equal” - ask Americans how we know that separate but equal doesn’t really mean equal. It’s discrimination and segregation.
Have a good day.
There are specific laws for human rights that give equality for all.
You can keep repeating these idiotic article and lies. Won’t make it true.
i marched in '84 against Apartheid in South Africa, this is following the same path.. bocotts & sanctions are more powerful than tRump's bullshit
israel will be dismantled
the fight against Apartheid took decades because info was slow.. first the neighbour African states opposed it & eventually the UN agreed it should stop, US too..
in that case it was England & hardass Thatcher (and israel😯) who continued support for Apartheid until the end
Hoping that name will stick
We will be better off when you are gone.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line.”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
Are showing should be considered also on this
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Stand up.
Protest & Advocate.
“Hold the Line.”
Remain peaceful and orderly.
Here's David Ben Gurion, first PM of Israel, saying exactly this.
Surely you’re a man of science, not the perpetuation of bronze-age myths and fairytales?
And nobody ever challenges that.
All religions are based on superstitious myths, from less-knowledgeable times.
They are all bunkum.
Sorry if that “upsets” people, but it needs to be said, often.
This is now and has always been the only realistic solution to this conflict. Amplify the rule of law, not 1-state fantasies that play into the hands of both right-wings and prolong the war.
If Israel was interested in a just solution, they would have instituted it as the state in power. They are not They are interested in genocide
The “Palestinians” never wanted a democracy, not they want a country, they want a Jew free Israel.
They have not held elections for over 17 years!!!
It is a region, not a country nor a people.
Sounds like hasbra
i think religion is dumb but if they want to claim 'sky daddy' gave them land thans fine, just dont exclude and kill the indigenous Palestinians