Pillars of Creation in mid-infrared The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) captured this mid-infrared view of the iconic Pillars of Creation using its Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). Stars do not typically emit much mid-infrared light, so this view emphasizes the dust and gas of this stellar nursery
The Pillars rise a ghostly sight.
A cradle where the stars are born,
From ancient clouds, new worlds are torn.
Their fingers stretch through time and space.
A sculpture grand in Heaven’s embrace.
A fleeting form, standing tall,
Before they fade, dust after all.
It's humbling, thank you.
Is a volume all but beyond comprehension!
How many Earth solar systems does this much matter create? Is it a galaxy’s mass? Is it greater than that?
And also, the most amazing. 🤩
Is an inadequate response
The The Mysteries
Of the Universe